Hello everybody! my name is JaguarGT, and today I got you a short horror story for all pokemon trainers out there!
It was cold night, and and lonely man walked down the street, his face reflected nothing but remorse, he felt sorry because he had done something horrible,but he didn't care, he walked into his home, removed his trenchcoat, and sat on his sofa, and watched TV. He quickly fell asleep, but this didn't help get away from his sins, though, he dreamed of a terrible nighmare, that not even the feared Darkrai would have produced, and that not even the mercifull Cresselia could have scared away. He woke up to the sight of his room in complete darkness, his TV turned off, and the plug ripped off the wall. He tried to walk to the light switch, but he effort to get up proved futile, as he sat there, two red eyes flared to life, lighting up the darkness as if it were day, and a resouding voice reminded him of his now unavoidable fate, ''YOU WILL SUFFER FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE'' shouted the unkown monstrousity, leaping toward the man, attacking him with its claws and teeth, that were as sharp as knives. Soon the man bleeded out, and as the monster, now revelaed to be a vengative Gengar floated away from the corpse, looking down at a pokeball, engraved with the name ''Sprigatito'' in it, the ghost stared at it for a second, only to melt it away with its acid saliva, ''I ALWAYS HATED YOU, EVEN BEFORE YOU KILLED ME'' roared the spirit, before fading, leaving nothig but the blood covered remains of a monster even worse than that Gengar could have ever been.
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