Item #: SCP-XXXX
Class: Apollyon
Special Containment Procedures:
Due to the incorporeal and extradimensional nature of SCP-XXXX, direct containment is unattainable. Instead, individuals infected by SCP-XXXX, designated as SCP-XXXX-1 instances, are to be apprehended and placed under constant surveillance for investigative purposes and the potential development of a cure. Efforts to find a cure for SCP-XXXX have yielded no progress thus far. SCP-XXXX-1 instances are to be housed in standard humanoid containment cells, with access restricted to personnel assigned to their investigation.
SCP-XXXX is an entity existing in an unknown plane of existence, currently hypothesized to be the fifth dimension. It possesses the ability to infect other beings with a parasitic organism referred to as the "Light" or the "Radiance." This organism causes the internal organs of the infected subject to liquefy, resulting in the formation of teratoma-like tumors composed of a thin layer of transparent mucus filled with luminescent orange fluids. SCP-XXXX gains control over the bodies of SCP-XXXX-1 instances through this process. Due to the elusiveness of SCP-XXXX's true form, the description will focus on SCP-XXXX-1 instances instead.
SCP-XXXX-1 instances display the aforementioned tumor-like growths throughout their bodies. Accompanying these physical changes are extreme alterations in personality. SCP-XXXX-1 instances exhibit heightened aggression and a significant loss of sentience, behaving akin to feral animals. They occasionally vocalize short phrases, such as "The light...," "Too bright...," or "Please... Stop it... Radiance...". These utterances suggest that the subjects' minds are consumed by the radiance of SCP-XXXX, driving their aggressive behavior in an attempt to suppress the luminosity. Infection by SCP-XXXX appears to primarily affect subjects through their dreams, with symptoms manifesting approximately 10 minutes after awakening. Affected individuals develop an extreme sensitivity to light, as exposure causes severe ocular damage.
After approximately 36 hours, the infected subject's body becomes infested with small luminescent lumps emitting an eerie orange glow. At this stage, subjects lose all control over their bodies, affirming that "The Light" now governs their actions. During this phase, subjects can no longer be regarded as human and are assigned the designation SCP-XXXX-1. After 48 hours, the lumps on the subject's body grow to significant proportions. The contents of these growths infiltrate the subject's body, causing the internal organs to dissolve, resulting in the subjects becoming ambulatory husks. However, they remain relatively harmless, as the final phase has not yet occurred. Subjects in this stage often mutter about the light they are unable to cease perceiving, even in total darkness. Following 72 hours, the subject's skin turns completely white, and they exhibit intense aggression, attacking any nearby entities.
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