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Harry Potter and the Vessel of Shade Chapter 2, The Discovery

 As the Vessel glided through the air, it plotted how it would destroy Harry Potter, would it use its mighty blade to slice him in half? would it eat him alive? It didn't matter, as for the Vessel, any way of disposing of its enemy was good enough. However, an idea suddenly caused the Vessel to stop dead in its tracks, it hadn't realized that the Order of The Pheonix would likely be defending the castle, and even if he could take all members down, it would be a great waste of energy and resources, so, the Vessel decided to settle down to think on a plan. The most desirable resting place was a lonely clearing, somewhere in the forests on the outskirts of London, where it would likely never be found by any regular Muggle, as they aren't very good explorers. Meanwhile, Harry Potter had gone out on a relaxing vacation with his wife and kids, in a cabin near London, as it had been that city that started his journey as a mage and a hero, and he wanted to take a nostalgia trip through its streets. That morning, however, he prohibited his kids to exit the cabin because of a dangerous situation, as the news of two horrible incidents just the day before had arrived: A terrible monster escaped Azkaban, and a horrible massacre had occurred at Gringotts, both events could be unrelated, but there was a detail that wouldn't leave Harry's mind: after the attack at Gringotts, a great majority of the vaults were found to have been viciously torn apart, but not emptied, in fact, only one had its contents removed, Vault #149, which contained a Pure Nail, a powerful sword forged from Pale Ore, it was said that this blade belonged to a powerful warrior who had gone rogue and was executed; The Pure Nail was also supposed to be so sharp that not even magic shields could stop its fierce slices. It was obvious to Harry that whoever had escaped from Azkaban had also gone after Gringotts, and the fact that didn't steal any money or valuable objects but instead decided to steal a powerful weapon was no coincidence, that person was planning an attack, and if they could take down an army of Wyverns, they surely would win almost any confrontation. ''I'll go out with a group of Aurors to examine the areas, we'll find whoever did these horrible things, and we'll take care of them'' he told to his wife, ''Please take care of yourself and your team, I don't want to lose you'' replied Ginny Weasley, with a worried tone, ''Worry not, my dear, we'll bring our best weapons'' responded Harry as he left. 

Meanwhile, somewhere else...

A group of 3 hikers was having a calm walk in a nice forest, they were taking a quick rest from the city life for a weekend, and the day seemed perfect: the sun was shining brightly in the sky, without a cloud in sight, and the only noise was the calming chirping of the birds. Suddenly, the group arrived at a clearing in the forest, where a mighty statue of a knight stood, it held a giant blade, as long as a small car, the statue itself was about 14 feet tall, and its armor glimmered softly, and its helmet resembled the head of a giant beetle. ''Wow! Now that's what I call art! Hey, Sammy, take a picture of me and this thing, it'll be great for the newspaper. Finally, I'll cover something interesting!'' shouted one of the men, ''Sure, Alex, give me the camera'' replied the second, the third man grabbed the camera from his backpack and got ready to snap a picture of his friend, as he posed aside the statue. However, the fun of the moment would be interrupted, as a red light filled the eyes of the statue, and it began to move. The three men were horrified as the creature suddenly got up, revealing its body was half-buried, its true height was enormous. ''Take this, you demon!'' shouted the third man, as he took out a pistol from his backpack, and fired at the monster, the bullets seemed to do nothing however, as the monster didn't stop in its intimidating stride towards the group. The creature swung its blade, and from one moment to another, the men ceased their horrified screams, for their bodies had been cleanly cut in horizontal halves. The Vessel seemed content, it had found the way to kill Harry Potter, an ambush.

On the literal other side of the planet, Harry Potter interrogated the guards of Azkaban, asking them what had happened, one of them had told him to speak to Evander Nightshade, an ex-student at Hogwarts. Harry sat down, and said ''Hello, Evander, I would like to ask you some questions, is that ok?'' he said calmly, ''It is fine'' replied the old man, sitting in front of him, ''I'll tell you what happened. The monster that escaped was my creation, I made him able to contain Lord Voldemort, but it disobeyed, it tried to kill Dumbledore, and thus we were imprisoned. Years later, you defeated Voldemort, and it became enraged upon hearing the news. Watch out, Potter, it is coming for you, and it wants you dead, and it'll stop at nothing to see you at your grave''. Harry froze solid for a brief moment, as a hint of fear went through his mind, but he quickly shoved it off, he had no reason to worry, as he had overcome the greatest threat the magical world had ever seen surely this ''Vessel'' would be no different. ''Let's go, Ron. We have a lot to do.'' said Harry to Ron Weasley, who was talking to a guard who was present at the moment of the creature's escape, ''What is it, then?'' replied the young man, ''We need to investigate the crime scene at Gringotts, maybe we can find a clue of what we're dealing with exactly'', said harry, as he casted a Speed Spell on his Nimbus 9,000, ''Let's go, there's o time to lose'' he continued as he flew off, expecting Ron to follow him, thing that he did almost immediately.


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