So, hey, it's me. I'm almost finished with the game, and if you want to know, I only need to beat Doctor's Khal Robot and Rumor HoneyBottoms.
For the people who don't know the names, here's a list of the bosses names:
So I'll review the game from InkWell Island 1 to InkWell Hell.
InkWell Iland 1
So this part of the game wasn't so hard for me. I didn't struggle a lot with The Root Pack, or Goopy Le Grande. But Ribby and Croaks, that was a hard boss. I spent almost 30 minutes trying to beat this boss and died almost 40 times. Hilda Berg was a bit easier, I spent 19 minutes on the final tries, and died almost 16 times. Cagney Carnation was not that hard, actually I beat it second try, just because I bought the Sugar Parry.
InkWell Island 2
Baroness Bon Bon was the hardest boss at this time. I spent two hours with this boss, and died almost 90 times. I found the battle with Djimi the Great really fun, I don't remember the time spent or the times I died in this fight, but I really found it an entertaining fight. The rest of the bosses were fun, and I didn't even struggle with them. Beppy the Clown, Wally Warbles, and Grim Matchstick* were REALLY EASY for me.
InkWell Island 3
By now, the only bosses I've beaten from this island are: Captain BrineyBeard who I spent 20 minutes with, and died 10 times. Cala Maria, who I spent 10 minutes with, and died 1 time. Werner Werman was not so easy, I spent 20 minutes with Him, and died ALMOST 8 times. Sally StagePlay was the boss I beat her at the FIRST TRY, and spent 10 minutes with this boss, and didn't die. And finally, Phantom Express, which I spent 30 minutes with, and died 15 times.
And yes this is all, finally, I have ended doing my Cuphead review, hoped you enjoyed it!
*Yeah the true cuphead fans will know who this guy is.
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