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House ownership contract- CREEPYPASTA


Micheal's Housing

House number: 123

Location: Oakwood Street, Washington DC

Notes from previous owner:

Hello, I don't know your name, but mine is William Afton but I know that you bought my house, and I should warn you, I scored A+ on robotics class, how can that be bad? well... I built some robots that were supposed to entertain children in a restaurant, but they simply didn't want them, so I decided to keep them, and you must follow some rules if you want to... eh... keep a good relationship with them.

1. Don't touch Fredbear's nose, He hates when his nose is touched, it makes a squeaky sound, and for you that could be funny, but for him... not so much, he likes to bite things, so there's a dog toy I give him, if he decides he wants to calm down biting something, give him that toy, if decides he doesn't want the toy, run, there is nothing else to do.

2. If you hear doors open or close at night, don't go close them, that is probably Baloon Boy, that little guy with a striped shirt, and obviously holds some Balloons. He likes to play jokes on you, the thing is, his balloons aren't made out of rubber, they're wooden, and if you go close that door, he will hit you with them, he likes to hear that "bonk" sound, it will be fun for him, but not for you.

3. Don't worry if you start finding little ballerina figures on your desk, or on your bed, that is surely Ballora, she is a ballerina, and can't hurt you on any way, except if you break or throw away the dolls she gives you, she will be very mad, and will kick you a number of times, depending on how much dolls you destroyed or trashed. It is pretty dark I know. 

4. And this one is the most important, DO NOT break this rule, keep the music box on the kitchen table wound up, see there's this Puppet thing, and she is peaceful most of the time, and yeah, it is a female, it doesn't look like that, but it is a female. She is calmed and will even bring you things when you ask her! that is until the music stops... She will remove the mask on her head, I don't know what is behind that mask, but I am pretty sure you WON'T LIKE what is behind it. After removing the ceramic mask on her head she will run toward you, and... that is everything I know, my wife forgot to wind up the music box, and I saw with horror how the Puppet grabbed her and lifted her onto the ventilation system. So don't forget to keep the music box wound up, if you don't want to get harmed, or even worse... killed.

So, good luck, I bet you will need it, so remember:

Don't touch Fredbear's nose

Don't close the doors Baloon Boy opens

Don't trash the ballerina dolls


Cost: $500.00

Other specifications:

>Pool on the backyard

>Security cameras

Firm from the buyer:__________________

Micheal's Housing agency copyright 1995-2001 all rights reserved.

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