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A retro style storytime

 Hey, hey, hey! It's me (who else would it be?) and I am back with a NEW story, and yeah, I'll be working on this new section of the blog: RETRO STYLE STORYTIME! 

Before we start I will recommend you  YouTuber that makes stories just like this one Channel link here:

So, I was at school, everything was normal, just like any other day. But the first weird thing I saw was that  black thing at the left corner of the classroom, I didn't care about what that thing was, "Maybe it is a piece of black tape." I thought, so I went to sit in my desk and did everything normally, until I got a better angle on that thing... IT WAS A GIANT FRICKING MOTH, one of those black moths it was like, 5 inches long no joke. I didn't worry though, it was far away from me, so I continued with my day normally until the moth, who we will call Marty, flew right toward Diego, one of my friends, the scene was like:




(epic music plays while both start fighting)

Hehe, a Jojo reference. Ok so Diego saw Marty the moth flying toward him, and jumped off his desk and slingshotted an eraser to Marty with a professional sniper precision, and yes he had made a slingshot the day before, he used a Y shaped stick and a balloon. Marty was hit by the eraser and you guessed it, he died, his wings exploded into a bunch of black, sticky powder, and his body was crushed on the nearby wall. This was just the start of the school day, 3 hours were left on the countdown timer of my watch. The next class was P.E* nothing weird happened until the class had already finished, Two kids were discussing something, I didn't know what they were talking about, what I got to know was that it was not of Miguel's business, because he wasn't happy of being left out the conversation, and walked off the soccer field, up to the grass plain we played in, and kicked a tree, he kicked it so hard, the tree's branches got split up. What is Miguel made of? I don't know, but I think he transformed in a Super Saiyan Ultra Instinct Phase 4 only to destroy that poor tree. Obviously, he wanted to calm down kicking somebody that wouldn't complain, but instead, somebody complained about him. He was taken to Direction in order to get a report, up to this point I knew this was going to be a heck of a day because there was still computing and afternoon math class left, which was traduced onto 2 hours and 45 minutes on my countdown. So, we went into computing class, we worked on Scratch programming for a bit, and then got permission to do ANYTHING WE WANTED, that's right, you could listen to music, or play Among Us, whatever you wanted, for example, I got to listen to my favorite songs on youtube. But I decided to take a peek look onto Carlos' computer, and you won't believe me, he was looking do I say this?...he was looking at pictures of women that didn't have money to buy clothes. But seriously man, why would you do that, AT SCHOOL?!?!. He was taken home by his mom, and probably got screamed at for an hour. In the afternoon math class, the teacher hadn't brought his book, so we didn't have a way to take classes, so we had a solid free 45 minutes to play outside.

Physical Education*


  1. (voice note)


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