Hey everyone! ah yes, I know, I know. I haven't done one of these stories in quite a while, but here I am.
Ok, so if you are starting in Terraria these tips would be very useful, but sadly, these don't work for Minecraft.
1. Make a base before anything else.
Having a place where to stay the night is the best thing to have, because nighttime is way more dangerous in Terraria, Vultures, Zombies, Red, White, and Blue Slimes spawn at night, so making a base is WAY more useful than a workbench, or a copper pickaxe, It is also recommended to fill the base with EVERYTHING you would need to craft things, like a Loom (telar in Spanish), or an oven, but above all make a workbench which is basically, the crafting table.
2. Make Iron tools.
One thing that I learned is that Iron is a better starting material, its tools have really good statistics (49% pickaxe efficiency) and deal a great amount of damage. Finding iron is no easy task, it can only be found in layer 12 or below, and on clusters of 5 even less. Copper, on the other hand, is way easier to find, it can be found in clusters of 12 or above, you can even find clusters of 50 copper ores at once! But its tools are REALLY not worth the effort to mine it, they have really bad statistics* (27% pickaxe efficiency) and really bad damage, but let's not touch the copper short sword, that is just the best starting weapon ever.
3. Make a bed, QUICK*
Beds are the most important placeable object in the game, as it lets you change your spawn point, you will need only two materials to make it:
* 5 silk
* (at least) 10 wood.
Now silk is not that hard to craft, you will only need some spider web (10 exactly) to make one piece of silk. Spider web can be found on layer 5 or less, and will generate with five or six spiders around it, don't worry, spiders are tiny in this game. And wood... just chop down a tree.
*Note: this is based on MY EXPERIENCE on Terraria 3ds version, and if some information is incorrect, feel free to correct it on the comments.
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