Well, Cartoon Cat is exactly what his name suggests, a cat from a cartoon. Don't worry if you have not seen him, I will link you a video with some images of Cartoon Cat.* OH! and for the ones who couldn't wait, and have already watched the video, the song in the background is Cartoon Cat's song, the song that used to play at the start of his old animated show.
So, the story goes like this: Cartoon Cat was created to be a cartoon, like any other. But when Felix the cat appeared... his show was canceled (due to the lack of audience), and he,, abandoned. And with that came the feeling of revenge, and after a lot of struggling with the laws of nature, Cartoon cat could finally escape from the TV world into real life. His only mission is to find those who canceled his show and... well, you know what.
His first appearance was in an abandoned mall, what was he doing there? Well, legends say that that was his Creator's favorite place to be. So, I think it is logical for him to look for the creator of the show there, right? Well after all, after all that searching, he gave up and decided to stay hidden in the studio that gave him life, and create his own world, where he could live happy, forever, and ever.
*Notice: the original cartoon cat images are only intended to be scary and/or unsettling, Fan-made images are sometimes, violent, or a bit more Spooky than the originals. Be careful when watching the following video.
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