character by Trevor Henderson.
They were coming back from a party, needless to say, it was fun, but it was already midnight and they needed to go back to Oakwood camp before 3 A.M or they would be expelled, what would they do for the rest of the summer? It was not Gus's problem, after all, he was responsible for their safety, not their punctuality. Jonh's black car was not the fastest of all, in fact, it was a car from 15 years ago, but Emma and Lucy didn't have much choice. -"BEWARE THE *^@$%@- a scream of terror echoed all around the forest, just as the black car stopped in front of the park's entrance. Part of the scream was muffled by a loud static sound, making it impossible to deduce who was the dangerous person they were advised to avoid. -"I know it's only you Michel, stop it, this is not funny"- Emma said, there was no response, -"IT WAS GUS"-Lucy said, making everyone in the car jump. the quickly ran to Gus' Watchtower, only to discover he was not there, -"He was murdered, and whoever did it doesn't want to get recognized"- Jonh theorized. -"No", Emma interrupted, "Gus did this to scare us, he is hiding in the bathrooms"- Lucy was going to add something, but she was cutter off by a loud, distorted, low pitched siren. Lucy screamed, now convinced by Jonh's argument -"Whoever you are, murder, COME FACE ME, I KNOW KARATE!"- A skeletal arm grabbed Lucy by the leg, knocked the watchtower down, and ran away. They were unconscious for hours, until the paramedics found them, and took them to the hospital. The doctor said they were attacked by a gang, and that they knocked the tower down with a car, apart from a temporal K.O they were all right. But something was missing, -"wait a minute!, where is Lucy?"-, Jonh asked the doctor if they had rescued her, he said that she was kidnapped and later murdered, Emma bursted out crying, and yelled,
-" It was not a gang, it was a monster, we saw it"- The doctors instantly grabbed Emma and Jonh, moving them to the mental hospital, claiming they had brain damage, and those were simply hallucinations. Emma was speechless, millions of questions flew through her mind, what was she going to tell her parents?, were they going to pay? , but most importantly, what was thing?.
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