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Siren Head- An original story Chapter 1

Character by Trevor Henderson

 To all the classic creepypasta writers
The ones who built part of this blog´s inspiration.


Everything was quiet, nothing could be heard, and the night was pitch black, It was almost 12 O'clock, and Gus, the forest ranger, had to be taking care of this "protected area" until 6: A.M, he hated the job, but at least, he could stay at the watchtower playing on his phone, or listening to the radio. He didn't used to watch the forest that much, but tonight, on the lack of things to do, he glared at the forest noticing something that he believed wasn't there yesterday, a siren pole was towering over the trees, -"how weird, he said looking closer with his binoculars, I need to go check on that, the sirens won't be installed until tomorrow."- He thought that maybe this was a fake one, maybe a joke, after all, there was a camp in the Oakwood park, and this year all the campers were teenagers, and they wanted to scare him, he went to check, so he took his axe and decided to scare them as well, so he mounted in his motorcycle, and went to check on the mysterious siren. The sound of his Motorcycle's engine broke the silence.

During the ride, he analyzed the situation,
-"How could they pass through my tower with such a gigantic object?, maybe they're all masters of ninjutsu"-  He laughed to himself, and from one moment to another without even a warning, the siren started to emit an emergency broadcast:
The message repeated over and, over, and over again. Gus had to stop his motorcycle because the noise was too loud and distracting, if he continued he might have crashed into a tree. Luckily the rest of the distance could be covered by foot. When he got to the place his face changed, from total calm to complete horror, the beast in front of him was hideous, it was a really tall humanoid creature, that seemed to be rotting, but that wasn't the worst part, where his head must have been, was instead a siren pole, the siren pole he saw earlier. In that moment he couldn't do anything except running, he ran until he found his motorcycle, started it, and blasted away, he could still hear the Siren Head blaring his sirens and pursuing him, after a while, he couldn't  hear the sirens or the footsteps behind him anymore, he thought he was safe, and stopped, committing the worst error of his life, the monster suddenly appeared in front of him, and grabbed him, lifted him in the air, and slowly revealed mouths inside of his sirens, he took Gus closer and closer to his death, and with his last breath he screamed at the top of lungs: -"BEWARE THE SIREN HEAD!"-
The monster turned around and walked back to the
Meet Siren Head, a horrifying monster haunting the internet | PC Gamer


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