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Showing posts from September, 2020

Siren Head --- Original story chapter 4

 Credits: Character by Trevor Heenderson CHAPTER 4- A MOVIE LIKE SCAPE Sophia looked at Emma and Jonh, and quietly said: -I have no idea.- They confidently stood up, and said: -We'll find the way, but first we'll scape- And just after they finished that sentence, Jonh charged towards the door and broke it. They ran through the corridors, avoiding the cleaning staff, the doctors, and the guards. When they got to the yard, they were presented with a new challenge: Siren Head was standing there, blending in with the rest of the emergency Sirens. By the moment he saw them, his sirens blared, and he ran towards them at incredible speed. The guards at the yard tried to shoot Siren Head, but that only caused him to run towards them instead, but something incredible happened, Siren Head tripped and fell. How was that possible? He tried to get up and run again, only to collide with a cleaning cart. This was so weird, how could that agile beast trip with everything in front of it? -Ah-ha...

My review on Cuphead

  So, hey, it's me. I'm almost finished with the game, and if you want to know, I only need to beat Doctor's Khal Robot and Rumor HoneyBottoms.  For the people who don't know the names, here's a list of the bosses names: So I'll review the game from InkWell Island 1 to InkWell Hell. InkWell Iland 1 So this part of the game wasn't so hard for me. I didn't struggle a lot with The Root Pack, or Goopy Le Grande. But Ribby and Croaks, that was a hard boss. I spent almost 30 minutes trying to beat this boss and died almost 40 times. Hilda Berg was a bit easier, I spent 19 minutes on the final tries, and died almost 16 times. Cagney Carnation was not that hard, actually I beat it second try, just because I bought the Sugar Parry. InkWell Island 2 Baroness Bon Bon was the hardest boss at this time. I spent two hours with this boss, and died almost 90 times. I found the battle with Djimi the Great really fun, I don...

3 More Terraria Tips.

  Yes, I have more tips for terraria, this time I will give tips for MINING.  1.As in Terraria there's no hunger bar, you heal yourself like you used to in Minecraft, eating.      That's why I recommend to bring LOTS of mushrooms or healing potions. Almost everything in the underground is off to kill you, so having a quick way to heal is essential. If you are mining next to a mushroom biome, you may not need to bring lots of healing items.  2.Never face a Dragon Snatcher without a Cloud Potion, if you are new to the game, don't worry, a Cloud Potion is an equipable item that allows the player to double jump. Dragon Snatchers have a LONG range (about 50 blocks left and right, and 80 up and down) so building won't do the work, because it goes through walls, yes it can go TROUGH WALLS. So double jumps are really good to avoid its head and pass straight through the vine it is connected to, and obviously, break the origin block. 3.If you find ANY kind of loot, s...

Mi propia historia pokemon parte 4

  Asi es, señoras y señores, estoy de vuelta con esta serie.  Despues de que nadie creyó que el Equipo Solar estaba haciendo algo con el Pokemon legendario Cuadragon, decidiste que tú ibas a detenerlos, así que te armaste de valor (y de muchas pociones y revivir), y subiste a la montaña. La manera facil de subir era escalando, pero tú no tenías equipamiento y tus pokemon tampoco podían subir, así que tenías subir de la manera difícil, pasando por la Cueva de las Catacumbas, tras una larga y desesperante subida, llegaste al sitio donde el Equipo Solar estaba trabajando y te diste cuenta de dos cosas, 1: El portal estaba terminado, y Cuadragon se veia diferente, y 2: Cuadragon era la "bestia de la montaña". -Oh, ¡miren lo que tenemos aquí!- Una voz interrumpio tus pensamientos, -Este pequeño enclenque quiere deternos, si quieres intentarlo, deberas pasar sobre mí, ¿que quien soy? soy Rigel, el segundo al mando del Equipo Solar-.    La batalla fue dura, el equipo de Rig...

The story of the Well Dweller --- Minecraft

The Well Dweller is a creature that lives on the wells of the villages in Minecraft, normally, it will only eat potatoes and carrots that villagers give to him. But if a villager is unlucky and falls into the well... it will be devoured by the beast. That is why wells are protected by fences on the new 1.16 update. The Well Dweller looks like an alligator, and a Minecraft skin obviously, but it only has a giant mouth were his head would be. The first encounter with the Well Dweller was documented in September of the year 2019. The player was in his survival world, he was looking for a End Portal, but he ran out of ender eyes, and tried to find a Village instead. After a few minutes he found a Village near his base, for some reason He didn't notice that Village before, but he didn't care, he only needed a Cleric Villager, so it would sell him Ender Pearls. The Village was normal at first, but he found something weird very quickly, the well was blocked with a lot of fences. Thing...

A retro style storytime

  Hey, hey, hey! It's me (who else would it be?) and I am back with a NEW story, and yeah, I'll be working on this new section of the blog: RETRO STYLE STORYTIME!  Before we start I will recommend you  YouTuber that makes stories just like this one Channel link here: So, I was at school, everything was normal, just like any other day. But the first weird thing I saw was that  black thing at the left corner of the classroom, I didn't care about what that thing  was, " Maybe it is a piece of black tape." I thought, so I went to sit in my desk and did everything normally, until I got a better angle on that thing... IT WAS A GIANT FRICKING MOTH, one of those black moths it was like, 5 inches long no joke. I didn't worry though, it was far away from me, so I continued with my day normally until the moth, who we will call Marty, flew right toward Diego, one of my friends, the scene was like: -DIEGO vs -MA...

House ownership contract- CREEPYPASTA

  Micheal's Housing House number: 123 Location: Oakwood Street, Washington DC Notes from previous owner: Hello, I don't know your name, but mine is William Afton but I know that you bought my house, and I should warn you, I scored A+ on robotics class, how can that be bad? well... I built some robots that were supposed to entertain children in a restaurant, but they simply didn't want them, so I decided to keep them, and you must follow some rules if you want to... eh... keep a good relationship with them. 1. Don't touch Fredbear's nose, He hates when his nose is touched, it makes a squeaky sound, and for you that could be funny, but for him... not so much, he likes to bite things, so there's a dog toy I give him, if he decides he wants to calm down biting something, give him that toy, if decides he doesn't want the toy, run, there is nothing else to do. 2. If you hear doors open or close at night, don't go close them, that is probably Baloon Boy, that l...

3 tips for your first time in Terraria.

Hey everyone! ah yes, I know, I know. I haven't done one of these stories in quite a while, but here I am. Ok, so if you are starting in Terraria these tips would be very useful, but sadly, these don't work for Minecraft. 1. Make a base before anything else. Having a place where to stay the night is the best thing to have, because nighttime is way more dangerous in Terraria, Vultures, Zombies, Red, White, and Blue Slimes spawn at night, so making a base is WAY more useful than a workbench, or a copper pickaxe, It is also recommended to fill the base with EVERYTHING you would need to craft things, like a Loom (telar in Spanish), or an oven, but above all make a workbench which is basically, the crafting table. 2. Make Iron tools. One thing that I learned is that Iron is a better starting material, its tools have really good statistics (49% pickaxe efficiency) and deal a great amount of damage. Finding iron is no easy task, it can only be found in layer 12 or below, and on cluste...

Creepypasta--- the secret of the crabby patties. part one

  It was a normal day at bikini bottom, and Sponge Bob was going to his work at the Krusty Crab, he was happy, as he always was, but his happiness didn't last for long. MR. Crabs greeted him with a gloomy look on his long tube-shaped eyes, -" Hello kid, I need to show you something "- He said -" But Mr.Crabs, where are all of the customers? ''- Mr.Crabs didn't answer, he just activated a secret elevator, and guided Bob to a secret lab, where he saw for the first time how crabby patties were made: A large machine was connected to a GIANT starfish, which was held captive in a giant aquarium room. -" A long time ago, I discovered that I can't bring Cow meat under the water to make burgers, it will rot faster, so I actually needed something that lives underwater and IS edible, I read hundreds of books, but still couldn't find anything. Until it came to me one night, I would prepare STARFISH MEAT, so I  captured this big boy (touches glass) and ma...

Undertale's secret boss battle.

  credits: Undertale by toby fox, model by someone in the internet idk S1xb0n3$ is a monstrosity found in the depths of the true laboratory (undertale), it ONLY appears if we damaged Papyrus to the point he only has 1 hp left. So Sans will take him to the laboratory, in order to get him ''a quick heal'', but something went terribly wrong, and Papyrus starting melting.  PAUSE, now I will clarify a few things, for those who aren't Undertale fans: Sans and Papyrus are skeletons, Sans is funny and always makes bad jokes and puns, Papyrus is serious and likes designing puzzles. END OF PAUSE  At first the error wasn't notable, but then it became obvious, the syringe wich Papyrus got injected with contained the wrong liquid. Instead of a classic heal potion, he was injected with "determination" a new medicine that would make monsters (or humans) stronger if injected with it, but in a small dosage, nobody knew what could happen if someone got injected more tha...