Hi, it's me, jaguarGT, and today, we have a something that you could consider special, or not, depends on your view. Today I'm talking about the Kirby series without having played anything related to it but Smash Bros and Planet Robobot, to be specific, I'm talking about a character so cool and absolutely awesome that He could have been the protagonist of the series, Meta Knight.
First of all, let's compare desings:
Meta Knight (Warning, may be to cool for certain viewers)
Kirby (Warning: May be too cute for certain viewers)
Meta knight has a sword, a ship and wings, he does not lose these powers after being hit and has the power to copy abilities, however, He does not use it, in His own words ''It is extremely unfair'', something that only a true warrior would do.
Kirby must copy someone else's powers to have any of the things Meta Knight alwas has had, and even then, he loses said power after being hit once, and does not hesitate on using his ability to make fights easier, these are the actions of a coward.
An while yes, Kirby has defeated formidable foes, Meta Knight is just (if not more) capable of doing so, as he ventured through The Robobot Planet all alone and did all things that kirby did using a mech suit, all by himself, and this is just one of his feats, he has overcome most chanllenges that took a big power-up for Kirby using only his trusty sword. But let's get out of the Mainline series of kirby games for now, let's talk about Smash. In smash bros, Kirby's moves are boring, and are just punches, and even his Neutral Special is uneffective, as even if gets the move off on a strong fighter, like Joker or Pyra and Mythra, they will likely K.O Kirby shortly after using every other move. Meta Knight on the other hand is very unique, and most of his moves are original to Smash Bros, he used to be stronger than he is now, but make no mistake, Meta Knight is still more than capable of taking on top tier Fighters. And don't tell me he didn't survive Smash Ultimate's opening cutscene, this was a gameplay decision: Kirby's easy to control nature and begginer friendly moveset were perfect for your first character, even more than Mario or anyone else, as Kirby is intended to teach you how to use every type of move, then you would adapt that knowledge to any other character. As a conclusion, I would like to tell you my last argument on why Meta Knight is better than Kirby: His Airship is so cool. Kirby's Dragoon may be fast, but Meta Knight's Halberd is awesome, and as you know, style is everything, and it just takes a quick image search to see it. Now, I won't show you the pictures here, but if you DO search images of both of the ships, you'll see what I'm talking about.
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