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Brawl Stars x Smash Bros Ultimate, how would it have been announced?

Hello, It's me, JaguarGT and today, we have an introduction to a cool new mini-series, What If... Smash Bros edition, today we are doing a Brawls Stars crossover.

So, to know the basics, announcement trailers were usually presented on Nintendo Directs, but this one would be presented on the Brawl Stars world championship finals, right at the end of the last match, the giant screens would go black, then the trailer would play,going as follows:

Mario and Megaman fight on the classic smash battlegroud stage, Megaman then lands a side special on Mario, that sends him flying off stage, but instead of losing a life or a point, Mario falls onto a desert like area, where Shelly points her gun at him, showing her introduction phrase, that phrase would be:

The new sheriff in town!

The character's moveset would consist on her attacks from the game and would also use other Brawler's weapons, The full moveset would likely be:

Gimmick: With each sucessfull attack, a super meter fills up, if completely full, a select portion of Shelly's moves get powered up to a Super Attack

Basic Attacks - Shotgun, Full super meter = Super Attack
Side Smash - Gadget dash
Upward Attack - Jump with punch
Forward Dash and Upward Air Attack - Second Gadget shot and foward pounce
Down Tilt - Kick
Up Smash - Jump with Shot
Down Smash - Shotgun blast toward the ground
Down Air - aims down, shots, if 100% super, 4 shots are fired.
Down Special - hit with Frank's hammer
Throw - UP: Grab and throw the enemy at Buster's shield that appears right above the enemy, SIDES: regular shot, if super bar full Super shot that deals x2 damage, DOWN: Smashes the enemy into Sam's bear trap
Side Special - Spin with Bibi's bat
Up Special - Uses Crow's wings to propel herself upward, poison darts are sent on both the starting boost and the landing
Down Special 2 - Aim down, double shot
Grab - Use Mortis' shovel
Final Smash - Shelly drinks a Showdown Energy Drink, she temporarily takes half damage and deals double damage with any attack, Super meter can't be filled to max during this effect.

The alternate styles would feature skins from the actual game, these skins would change her bullets to be the same ones that skin uses in Brawl Stars. There would be a new stage that features the classic desert-like area of Brawl Stars on the regular style showdown maps, Gem Grab mine on Battlefield style, and Brawl Ball stadium in Omega style, the music pack would be a remix of the classic showdown music, and when both players are reduced to one life in Life-Based battles, the SHOWDOWN! track from Brawl Stars will play, and the other tracks would be from other game modes such as Gem Grab and Brawl Ball (featuring these as default for alternate stage versions). Finally, a Colt Mii Gunner costume, and Nita and Leon Mii hats would be released alongside the Fighter Pass.


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