Name: Necrozma
Kingdom: Ultra Beast
Phyllum: Psychium (Psychic type)
Class: Crystal Creature
Order: Unclassfied
Family: Ultra Beasts
Species Name: Psychicae daemonis
The Legendary Pokémon know as Psychicae daemonis or Necrozma is a creature from the family of the invasive species know as Ultra Beasts, this creature in specific has a body made of a material of similar endurance and resistance to diamond; this creature's organs are visible through its semi-transparent skin. Its main appendixes consist of two three fingered and clawed hands that are used to grasp, rip, and assist its feeding by making food easier to consume. However, this creature isn't an independent predator, only feeding on different Pokémon on very few occasions, and even then, its predatory conduct is practically the same as a Spicatas Draco (Druddigon). This crature is actually a parasite that latches onto trees using its claws, and then extends its tonge to start feeding, it has been seeing latching onto coral reefs, and rarely, other Pokémon, and drains them of fluids, however it finds little nourishment from this, as this creature's true nutrition source is light, UV radiation rich light, like the sun, or the one produced by the Legendary Pokémon sol feline (Solgaleo) and vespertilio luna (Lunala), while latched onto this Pokémon, Necrozma transforms onto two new ''forms'' the Dusk Mane form while fused with Solgaleo, and the Dawn Wings form while fused with Lunala. Afer absorbing enough energy from the Legendary Pokémon, it transforms to its true form, know as Ultra Necrozma, this creature shines so brightly that study of its form, type, or any sort of investigation for that matter, is completely impossible according to witnesses. However, the only instance of this was never documented properly and is largely considered to be a scientific myth. While on any of its transformations, this creature's claws can abosrb light and redirect it as beams of photons that reach 300,000,000 degrees Farenheit, the exact same that the body of primitiva lacerta (Primal Groudon) reaches on average.
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