Hello, this is Gene, and today I'm bringing 5 tips on what to do in your first time in Hardcore Minecraft.
First, what is hardcore Minecraft?
It's similar to the ''hard'' difficulty, but you can only die ONCE, and you will receive double damage from enemies, which means, creepers will one-shot you.
Tip #1 Build a camp, QUICK!
For your first night, you need to have a bed, a crafting table, a furnace, and if you had enough time, an iron sword. Afterward, you would need to build a small dirt hut, place your bed inside, light it up with a torch or two, and seal the entrance, so no monsters would get in, this is a great tip for Minecrafters because monsters can't hit across walls, Terrarians for the other side can't follow this guide, as monsters in their game act in a completely different way.
Tip #2 Build a Wall, even though your name is not Donald
If you already have a base that you like, protect it with a big stone wall, why?, most monsters won't be able to climb it! Oh, and when I say wall I mean the block that literally is named ''Stone Wall'' as normal blocks can easily be climbed by spiders, so discard an ''attack on titan'' wall, spiders will still climb it, and still kill you. Oh, and let's not forget it has to be at least 5 blocks tall, or else the skeletons will be able to shoot you.
Tip #3 Does it come in black?
Craft netherite armor as quickly as possible, which means as slow as you can, the nether is now a very VERY V E R Y dangerous place, you can get blown up when anything sees you, but you can use this as your advantage, blow up mountains and get that ancient debris, netherite armor will be your best friend as it will reduce damage in 52% and that means, you will finally resist two hits from a zombie with a wooden sword!
Tip #4 Dragon hunter
Kill the dragon, point. You will need all that EXP to enchant your stuff, and make you BUFF, but not enough to counter creepers tho.
Tip #5 ''And then he isolated himself in his fortress of solitude''
Build a Gigantic castle where you can live safely, without worrying about monsters, I recommend this after you've ended the game, and you want to do anything else, I recommend you to build your fortress out of stone. For the same reason I mentioned earlier
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