Hello, today I'm gonna tell you about the worst error I've committed with a Hotwheels car.
So the car was not exactly a car, it was The Hotwheels Off-Tracks Mad Propz plane. I bought it around a year ago, but due to conservative reasons, the plane was put in a box. Sooner this week I took it out to make it part of my 48 car collection and testing out if it flew... PAUSE, see I will tell you how I decided to see if the thing flew, first I searched for it on google, as I found no results, I tried on youtube and after 7 minutes of scrolling, I saw a video titled: "Hotwheelies (yeah "wheelies" totally not made by a 5-year old kid) flight through the each" at the start I thought "flight through the each? what does that mean?" but then I realized, the kid who uploaded the video forgot to put the "b" in to complete the word "beach". So I said "OH MY GOD, I've got an actual flying car?!?!? I have to try this out right now!!! come here you (I'm sure the plane at that moment was like: "I CAN'T FLY PLEASE DROP ME, I WILL DIE, PLEASE HELP ME". end of pause. So I took my cousin's Stunt Jumps Hotwheels track and launched the plane, it did not end well... the plane crashed into the floor and its propeller was gone, destroyed, turned into ashes Thanos finger snap-style because I was never able to put the propeller back together. "I used the plane to destroy the plane" luckily I was smart enough to fix it, using a Lego 1x1 red plate, a 1x1 yellow slope, and glue I could paste it to make the model look more decent.
Please don't trust videos like this, Hotwheels cars and planes, DON'T FLY. The video was probably edited by the kid's dad, and then uploaded to effectively, destroy beautiful and working, Hotwheels Mad Propz. Also, comment if you have Hotwheels.
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