Jujutsu Kaisen Fan fic part 1/6, ''The Misfortune Siblings"

In the cruel world of sorcery, few tales begin with victory, and even fewer with joy. The story before us is no different. On this fateful evening, we embark on a grotesquely wonderful journey, but before we delve into the dark depths of this tale, we must meet our actors—the ones who will guide us through this harrowing adventure. Allow me to introduce you to the stars of our story, known as the Misfortune Siblings.

Kohaku and Tatsuya were once ordinary children, as common and normal as you might imagine. Their lives were wholesome, filled with the innocent joys of youth—attending school, hanging out with friends, and perhaps enjoying the occasional meal out. But unlike most, they were born with a gift—a gift that would change their lives forever. Their souls were attuned to the latent power of Cursed Energy, allowing them to perceive the beasts created by the sorrows and tragedies of humanity: Cursed Spirits, which they could only describe as ghouls and apparitions to their unsuspecting friends and family.

One afternoon, as they walked home from school, Kohaku asked her brother, "What do you want to do when you grow up?" Tatsuya smiled. "I don't know. But whatever it is, I want to do it with you!" he replied with a laugh. The siblings approached their home, but their light-hearted conversation was cut short when they noticed the door slightly ajar. Confused and frightened, Tatsuya slowly pushed it open, only to be met with a scene of unimaginable carnage.

The walls were drenched in blood, as if freshly painted with the very essence of life. Furniture, once immaculate, was now draped in guts and scraps of skin. In the center of the room, a darkened mass of what appeared to be human hands lay twisted on the floor. Tatsuya froze in terror, his mind struggling to process the horrific sight before him. Kohaku, puzzled by her brother's silence, tapped him on the shoulder. "What's going on, brother? What are you seeing..." Her words trailed off as she peered over his shoulder and beheld the massacre herself. She screamed—a sound that pierced the air and snapped Tatsuya out of his trance.

"We have to get out of here. We'll go to Oji-Chan's place and call the police," he said, grabbing his sister's wrist and turning to leave. But as they tried to flee, something caught Tatsuya's eye. The pile of hands began to glow—a sickly, eerie orange. Time seemed to slow as the detached limbs floated off the ground and surged toward the siblings, gripping them with an unrelenting force towards the open maw that was the door and slamming it shut behind them.

Kohaku's body locked up in shock, her only response a silent stream of tears. But Tatsuya fought back, struggling against the disembodied hands. The more he resisted, the brighter the hands glowed, their heat intensifying until they began to set the very objects they touched ablaze. Then, from a distant wall, a mass of blindingly white hands emerged, radiating an absurdly high temperature. The sight sent Tatsuya into a frenzied panic, his body thrashing wildly in a desperate attempt to free himself.

Just as the situation seemed hopeless, something dormant within Kohaku awoke. A strange, pulsing blue aura engulfed her outstretched arm, and a nearby houseplant began to tremble. The hands dragging Tatsuya paused, as if watching this new development. The plant's vines suddenly shot forward in a deadly strike, piercing the hands that held her brother. The remaining hands turned their attention to Kohaku, moving to kill her, but she brought her hands up in defense. Another plant—a beautiful rose—reacted to her aura, its petals firing like bullets at the demonic hands, tearing them apart.

Tatsuya, bewildered and exhausted, knew he couldn't afford to waste any more time. His father, who had once served in the navy, kept an old pistol hidden somewhere in the living room. If he could just find it, maybe they could survive. He sprinted to a nearby cabinet, but as he opened a drawer, a Dread Hand leaped out, latching onto his face and digging its fingers into his eyes. He screamed in agony, clawing at the hand, ripping it's skin  and diggint into it's flesh with each desperate swing. As he did, a strange green substance seeped from his fingertips, enveloping them in the same blue aura as Kohaku's.

The Dread Hand released him, crashing to the floor and convulsing as its light faded, leaving only cold, lifeless charcoal. Tatsuya panted, his strength nearly spent, but Kohaku was still full of energy, her rage burning fiercely. She pointed at the remaining hands, the very same ones which clung to the far wall, and the plants obeyed her command in an instant. Vines lashed out, and the rose fired its deadly petals, destroying the last of the demonic hands in a burst of speed and deadly accuaracy.

Tatsuya couldn't hold on any longer. He collapsed to the ground, and Kohaku rushed to his side. "Brother! Are you okay?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear. "No," he replied, wincing in pain as he touched his eyes. "My eyes... I can't see..."

Kohaku wanted to cry, but she knew this wasn't the time. She helped her brother to his feet. "We're going to Oji-Chan's place. We'll tell him what happened and go to the hospital. You'll be fine," she said, trying to reassure him. But Tatsuya's expression hardened. "No. We were always able to see ghosts and demons. I think these things were drawn to our family because of us. If we go to Oji-Chan's house, more demons might follow and kill what's left of our family. We can't go there. We're dangerous."

Kohaku's heart broke at the thought of being homeless. "No! Where will we go? Where will we live?" she cried, desperate for an answer. "I don't know," Tatsuya admitted. "But if you want to die, then stay here or go to Oji-Chan. I won't be much safer alone; I'm blind now and need someone to guide me." Kohaku sobbed into her brother's arms, holding him tightly. "I don't want to... I don't want to do this..." she whimpered.

Tatsuya, though he felt no tears coming, wished he could cry too. "Don't worry. We'll take care of each other. And all will be well," he said softly, though neither could fully believe the words.

The moon hung low in the sky, its pale light casting eerie shadows on the narrow, winding streets that the siblings now called home. After the harrowing events at their house, Kohaku and Tatsuya had fled into the night, driven by fear and a new, terrifying reality. They moved with a purpose, despite not knowing where to go. Their steps were guided by a mix of instinct and desperation.

Weeks had passed since that fateful night. The siblings had taken refuge in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, a place where the only company they had were the rats and the occasional stray dog. It wasn’t much, but it was safe—at least from the prying eyes of Cursed Spirits and those who might seek to exploit their newfound powers.As the days passed, Tatsuya knew that their abilities would not be enough to survive in this cruel world, so he begun searching the warehouse for something, anything, that could help him. For several days he stumbled around, guided solely by Kohaku's vague instructions, but at a slow and steady pace, he had gathered a few materials that would certainly help him, a lead pipe, the barrel of an old discarded and rusted rifle, a few springs and a handful of screws, "Today, I'll construct a weapon, one to protect us" he announced, proud of his scavenging, "But how? These scraps barely look like anything..." Kohaku replied, worried that her brother might have gone insane, "It isn't what they look like, but what they can become" he replied, confident. 

The following week was the moment that Tatsuya put his skills to the test, though his vision was gone, his dexterity wasn't, and he begun putting his weapon together at a steady pace. Kohaku helped when she could, doing things like bending the screws in the way Tatsuya needed, or holding the springs in a certain position. By the night of the fifth day, the weapon was completed, it was a dart rifle that, thanks to the many springs behind it's bolt handle, could deliver the screw-darts at a frightening speed. "Well, it works, but it isn't pretty" said the boy as he inspected the rifle, running his hands along it's profile, "Now comes the hard part. Learning to use this while blind" he said, trying to lighten the mood, Kohaku laughed a bit and continued "Yeah, don't worry. I'll help you" And so, they begun training to hone their abilities, as a weapon in the hands of a fool is as useless as if they had no tools. Kohaku was inspired by the unwavering determination that her brother displayed, and she also begun practicing with her ability. It took no more than a few dayts for her to realize that she could control and even spawn plants with extreme ease, a couple of gestures were enough to make an enormous apple tree emerge from the ground, providing them with food, but just as her plants could be beneiftial, they could also be lethal, she could make giant vines grow from the heart of the earth to crush her enemies, and she could also spawn lethal poisonous flowers. However, she felt as if her power was incomplete without a weapon, something to attack if her precious plants failed, so she begun to scavenge around their new home to try and find something useful, and if wasn't very long until she found a pair of relatively new garden shears, the blades sharp enough to cut through her vines. Both siblings trained tirelsessly day and night, trying to be ready for anything that came their way. After various months, they found their weapons were much stronger, Tatsuya's rifle could now rival even the strongest firearms, and Kohaku's shears could effortlessly slice steel, at first it was a mystery why their weapons were able to perfrom such feats, but then it became obvious: that strange aura, the one that allowed them to use their powers, it had fused with theiur weapons, making them stronger. These mighty weapons were put to use sooner than they expected, as one night, as they slept, a slithering noise filled the air and broke the stillness and silence of the darkness. Kohaku was the first to awake, and she silently shook her brother, she whispered into his ear "There is something in here. Make silence, I'll approach from behind and you'll fire at it, ok?" Tatsuya nodded and grabbed his rifle, as he quickly repositioned to have a better angle of attack. Kohaku moved silently, aiming at the ground with her hand, making a carpet of grass that completely muted her footsteps grow. Her stride came to an end when se saw a snake-like creature appear from behind a corner, she quickly hid behind a nearby crate. She couldn't scream to Tatsuya to take the shot, or the creature would hear her and attack, neither could she risk trying to use her new weapon, she knew nothing about the durability of the ambushing enemy, her mind raced with possibilites, but at the other side of the room, sat Tatsuya in complete silence and calm, he was listening for he creature's movement. Ever since he had lost his sight, his remaining senses had heightened incredibly, his hearing, in particular, was almost perfect, and he could deduce at what precise location the creature was, he was simply waiting for it to slither again, he would hear the head make contact with the floor, and thus would get a clear kill shot, the anticipation was palpable, his mind racing, "One, two, three... it stops for ten seconds, then it moves again.. four, five six, if I can hit it, it's over. Seven, eight, nine..." The creature resumed it's motion, and Tatsuya pulled the trigger, the dart pierced the air, a silent but lethal assasin, it made contact with the snake's gruesome head, and it roared in pain, the skin around the area of impact began to melt, Kohaku sensed the opportunity and jumped out from her cover, raising her arm, in a few seconds, enourmous spikes rose from the ground followed by a large cactus, the snake roared, tendrils coming out of it's mouth, Kohaku lost no time and defended herself with her brand new weapon as she closed in the distance between her and the creature, and once she was close enough... she attacked, cutting the monster's neck in half, the head flew across the room, but it dissolved in a cloud of foul and nauseating smoke. Both of the siblings were now sure, they were strong enough to handle whatever the world had in store for them.


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