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Backrooms Level ???





*Low Entity Count

Level ??? is a null level of The Backrooms. It manifests as a large school complex with worn-down walls, and an auditorium set for a reunion.

 The main area of Level ???


Level ??? is a sprawling school complex centered around a large auditorium, with several surrounding doors leading to various areas. However, most of these doors are locked, and the windows curiously do not provide views of adjacent rooms, instead seeming to lead nowhere. The auditorium itself is furnished with rows of blue and grey chairs, arranged in neat rows with pathways leading to a large, empty stage. This area is inhabited by eerie, shadowy figures known as "The Students." These entities remain seated and motionless, their purpose unknown. Attempts to communicate with or interact with The Students have proven futile, as any prolonged engagement results in their sudden disappearance. Although these figures do not display overt hostility, they will turn to stare at any wanderer who comes within a five-meter radius.

Occasionally, a Student may be observed holding an object, such as a bottle of almond water, a pack of survival cookies, a notebook, or even a watch. Upon vanishing, the item they were holding is left behind, free for the taking by any wanderer.

Another notable entity, referred to as "The Preacher," sometimes manifests on the stage. Like The Students, The Preacher lacks facial features and remains silent. However, its body language suggests it is attempting to deliver a speech, mimicking the gestures of holding an invisible microphone and gesticulating with fervor. Despite being intangible, The Preacher exhibits hostility if interrupted—either by raising one’s voice or approaching the stage. In such instances, it will make a brief, non-physical attempt to attack before disappearing as suddenly as it appeared. Though these entities cannot cause physical harm, prolonged exposure to them can induce severe psychological distress, hallucinations, and, in extreme cases, loss of consciousness. It is strongly advised to exercise caution when navigating the auditorium.

A few of the unlocked doors in Level ???  lead to what appear to be standard classrooms. However, these rooms exhibit an anomalous property commonly seen in other Backrooms levels: the doors within these classrooms may lead to any other area within the level, defying logical spatial arrangement. The classrooms themselves contain rows of vandalized desks, upon which stacks of paper with incomprehensible writing can be found. The meaning of the writing, the language it is written on, and even the material of the sheets it is written on is still a mystery, as any of these anomlaous objects that are native to this level cannot be removed from it, and as such any object that can only be found in this level only, has to forcefully stay inside of it. Aside from the strange doors, the classrooms have nothing else of importance, no entities manifest in these places, and the windows leading to the outside are functional as intended.


Level ???  exhibits a rare but potentially dangerous phenomenon known as Dissonance Sickness. This ailment, while uncommon, poses a significant threat to wanderers who fall victim to it. The sickness manifests through violent auditory hallucinations, often described as the sound of distant children's laughter echoing through the halls. Those afflicted also experience severe, burning headaches, which can become debilitating. More alarmingly, sufferers are at a heightened risk of no-clipping into more dangerous levels, such as Level 404 or the dreaded "SH4DY GR3Y."

Dissonance Sickness is triggered by the ringing of the school bells, and there is currently no known cure. Almond Water, typically effective against other ailments, has shown little to no effect in alleviating the symptoms. For this reason, it is strongly advised that any wanderer who hears the bells immediately seek one of the two known exits from the level.


There are two documented ways to escape Level ??? :

  1. The Unlocked Door: The easiest and most reliable exit is to locate a door marked with a stapled sheet of paper labeled "Exit." Upon passing through, wanderers will typically find themselves in either Level 94 or Level 70.

  2. The Dome Building: A more unpredictable method involves finding a peculiar dome-shaped structure with a pitch-black entrance. Entering this structure can transport wanderers to virtually any level, ranging from Level 0 to "The End." As such, this exit is far less predictable and may not always lead to safety.

The Unsafe Exit


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