The sky above Cloud City was a vast sea of shifting blues and whites. It was beautiful, Damian thought, but lonely in its endlessness. Below the city’s floating streets, the clouds stretched like a false floor. The city felt like a sanctuary to some—a marvel of engineering, a beacon of hope. But to Damian, it was just a small island lost in the expanse. He stood at the edge of the training ground, holding his practice spear loosely in one clawed hand. His gray scales shimmered faintly in the sunlight, but his slender frame drew teasing glances from the other recruits. They hadn’t started yet, and already he could hear the whispers. "Do you think he's gonna go to the new simulator today?" said one of them, "Nah, he probably won't fit through the door with those hips he's got. I've seen singers that look less of a woman than he does!" responded the second, their conversation getting progressively louder, their laughter hurt more than anything they cou...