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Showing posts from 2024

The Weight of the Clouds | Episode 1

 The sky above Cloud City was a vast sea of shifting blues and whites. It was beautiful, Damian thought, but lonely in its endlessness. Below the city’s floating streets, the clouds stretched like a false floor. The city felt like a sanctuary to some—a marvel of engineering, a beacon of hope. But to Damian, it was just a small island lost in the expanse. He stood at the edge of the training ground, holding his practice spear loosely in one clawed hand. His gray scales shimmered faintly in the sunlight, but his slender frame drew teasing glances from the other recruits. They hadn’t started yet, and already he could hear the whispers. "Do you think he's gonna go to the new simulator today?" said one of them, "Nah, he probably won't fit through the door with those hips he's got. I've seen singers that look less of a woman than he does!" responded the second, their conversation getting progressively louder, their laughter hurt more than anything they cou...

More Than Meets The Eye #1 | The Island

The air smelled of sweat and desperation. We were twenty when we dropped, parachutes flaring open like wounded birds caught in a violent storm. The island was unfamiliar—lush green hills marred by the scars of countless battles. Smoke rose from distant hills, and every sound—every snap of a twig—was enough to send shivers down our spines. The instant we touched the ground, we did so in an abandoned city, the place looked intact, and from the windows, we could see objects left exactly how they were last used, vehicles neatly parked as if their owners would one day return to use them once again, yet we knew that would never happen. We advanced slowly through the deserted streets illuminated by bright neon lights, advertisements littered the sides of every building, yet the products displayed were as unknown as our mission on this island. We soon found our way out through the grassy fields on the outskirts of the city. Yet, even in these massive spaces, there was no sound to be heard, no...

Cruzando las Fronteras, Capitulo #10 Preview

  Nuevamente, era el amanecer de un nuevo día, una hermosa mañana en el país del sol naciente. Bluey no tenía muchas ganas de levantarse aquel día, pero era necesario reunirse con el resto del equipo, así que se levantó a regañadientes. Aquella mañana la cachorra no tenía las ganas para bajar las escaleras, así que decidió tomar el ascensor, aunque su habitación se encontraba apenas en el tercer piso. Aún algo somnolienta, la cachorra presionó el botón y comenzó a esperar. "Una molestia, ¿no es así?" dijo una voz profunda que sobresaltó tanto a Bluey que el sueño se le quitó enseguida, "¿Que?" dijo ella, dándose la vuelta para observar a quién pensó era un desconocido, "Esperar por el ascensor. Es verdaderamente molesto, ¿no te encantaría que estos cacharros fueran instantáneos?" le dijo con una anti-natural sonrisa aquel hombre, quién resultó ser el Profesor Labrador. "Ah... Sí, es una molestia. - dijo Bluey, nerviosa - Oiga profe, ¿cómo se siente?...

SCP-2017: "The Blinded Paw"

Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2017 is to be contained within a standard secure enclosure at Site-██. The enclosure should mimic a typical urban environment and be equipped with non-reflective, opaque surfaces to prevent the manifestation of SCP-2017's anomalous effects. Personnel are prohibited from direct contact with SCP-2017. Any personnel required to enter its containment must wear protective suits to avoid any exposure to SCP-2017's anomalous influence. If any personnel begin exhibiting signs of ocular distortion or transformation (see Addendum 2017-01), they are to be immediately quarantined. Surveillance of SCP-2017 should be conducted via remote cameras, as any reflective surface may trigger its anomalous properties. Under no circumstances should SCP-2017 be allowed to come into contact with animals or humans without the appropriate safety measures in place. Description: SCP-2017 is a feline resembling a common domestic cat (Felis catus) of mi...

Jujutsu Kaisen Fan fic part 2/6, ''Forward Phase" [PREVIEW: needs ending lmao]

"Suzuki Takao, nineteen years old. Your Cursed Technique is Forward Phase , which allows you to teleport yourself and any nearby objects a short distance in any direction. Is that correct?" Masamichi Yaga, the Director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College—otherwise known simply as Tokyo Sorcery High—asked, his voice stern yet indifferent. Suzuki nodded, his heart racing. "Y-yes, sir," he stammered, standing rigidly in the Principal's office. The weight of the Director’s gaze bore down on him. "My Technique is very powerful. Would you like me to demonstrate?" Masamichi didn’t flinch. "No." The response came cold and abrupt. Silence filled the room. Suzuki felt his stomach tighten, the words sticking in his throat. He waited for more, hoping, praying for a chance. Then came the blow. "You’re not needed here. At present, we already have a second-year student with a near-identical Technique. There’s no point in training someone ...

Backrooms Level ???

LEVEL ??? SURVIVAL DIFFICULTY 3 *Unsafe *Unsecure *Low Entity Count Level ??? is a null level of The Backrooms. It manifests as a large school complex with worn-down walls, and an auditorium set for a reunion.   The main area of Level ??? Description: Level ??? is a sprawling school complex centered around a large auditorium, with several surrounding doors leading to various areas. However, most of these doors are locked, and the windows curiously do not provide views of adjacent rooms, instead seeming to lead nowhere. The auditorium itself is furnished with rows of blue and grey chairs, arranged in neat rows with pathways leading to a large, empty stage. This area is inhabited by eerie, shadowy figures known as "The Students." These entities remain seated and motionless, their purpose unknown. Attempts to communicate with or interact with The Students have proven futile, as any prolonged engagement results in their sudden disappearance. Although these figures do not display...

Jujutsu Kaisen Fan fic part 1/6, ''The Misfortune Siblings"

In the cruel world of sorcery, few tales begin with victory, and even fewer with joy. The story before us is no different. On this fateful evening, we embark on a grotesquely wonderful journey, but before we delve into the dark depths of this tale, we must meet our actors—the ones who will guide us through this harrowing adventure. Allow me to introduce you to the stars of our story, known as the Misfortune Siblings. Kohaku and Tatsuya were once ordinary children, as common and normal as you might imagine. Their lives were wholesome, filled with the innocent joys of youth—attending school, hanging out with friends, and perhaps enjoying the occasional meal out. But unlike most, they were born with a gift—a gift that would change their lives forever. Their souls were attuned to the latent power of Cursed Energy, allowing them to perceive the beasts created by the sorrows and tragedies of humanity: Cursed Spirits, which they could only describe as ghouls and apparitions to their unsuspect...

Cruzando las Fronteras, Capitulo #9

El atardecer se filtraba a través de las cortinas de la habitación del Shibuya Hotel, bañando todo con una luz cálida y dorada. El Profesor Labrador, conocido entre estudiantes y maestros por su carácter severo y profesionalismo, se encontraba en el escritorio, revisando algunas notas con una expresión pensativa. Su esposa, la Profesora Retriever, estaba sentada en la cama, leyendo un libro con interés. "¿Algo interesante en tus notas, querido?" preguntó la Profesora Retriever, sin levantar la vista del libro. El Profesor Labrador sonrió de manera diferente a lo habitual, una sonrisa que, vieras por donde lo vieras, no le quedaba a un tipo tan serio como él. "Solo repasando algunos comportamientos de los estudiantes. Últimamente he notado algo peculiar en Bluey." La Profesora Retriever levantó una ceja y cerró su libro, enfocándose en su esposo. "¿Peculiar? Bluey siempre ha sido una alumna ejemplar. ¿A qué te refieres?" "Exactamente eso," dijo el...