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SCP-A-05, Ramiel from Evangelion as an SCP

 SCP-A-05: Entity Codename - Ramiel


SCP-A-05, codenamed "Ramiel," is an anomalous entity of extraterrestrial origin, belonging to the SCP-A classification, its kind has been codenamed ''Angels''. Its appearance is that of a geometric, crystalline structure with a translucent blue hue. The entity possesses a highly complex and resilient exoskeleton, giving it the appearance of a colossal polyhedral structure, an octahedron to be specific. SCP-A-05's size is estimated to be approximately 40 meters in height. This entity is capable of rapidly reforming its atomic structure to take on many different specific forms, and many others that are used mainly for intimidation.

Special Containment Procedures:

Due to the nature of SCP-A-05's Absolute Terror (A.T) Field and its immense size, traditional containment methods are ineffective. SCP-A-05 has displayed the ability to generate a powerful A.T. Field, an enigmatic energy barrier that serves both offensive and defensive purposes. This barrier seems to be impenetrable, as even stronger SCP specimens like SCP-096 and SCP-173 have given up completely in their efforts to break through it after a long period of time, though SCP-A-05 did not try to defend itself in the presence of these creatures, it became extremely hostile in presence of SCP-682, transforming into a flower-like structure and using a strange red orb at its center to fire a powerful beam that melted an area of 17 square miles instantaneously, permanently damaging SCP-682, leaving serious burns on its body that never healed despite this specimen's high regeneration factor, however, SCP-682 became intimidated by SCP-A-05 and made haste back to the reinforced cage used to transport it to the area that SCP-A-05 seems to patrol, hiding in it, refusing to go out and continue the fight.

A.T Field Description:

The A.T Field emitted by SCP-A-05 is a unique form of energy that can manipulate matter and disrupt electromagnetic signals within its vicinity. It is believed that this field is responsible for the entity's resilience and defensive capabilities. The A.T. field has proven impenetrable to conventional weaponry and poses a significant challenge to containment efforts. The A.T Field will normally not materialize, an instead remain as a passive defense, however, if a strong enough attack makes contact with this forcefield, it will manifest in the shape of an orange honeycomb pattern, stretching around SCP-A-05.


Energy Weaponry: SCP-A-05 has demonstrated the ability to focus and discharge a concentrated energy beam from its structure. This beam is capable of piercing through solid materials and poses a severe threat to any conventional means of containment. If threatened enough, it can fire a stronger more focused beam by transforming its body into a flower-like shape, this laser reaches temperatures of one and a half billion degrees Celsius for a couple seconds during a short period of time, enough to instantaneously melt or disintegrate anything, these beams are focused toward a target and a small surrounding area via the use of the A.T Field, it is now known if SCP-A-05 focuses these beams in a small area to avoid damaging itself, or to cause as much damage to its target as possible.

Self-Regeneration: The A.T. Field appears to facilitate rapid regeneration of SCP-A-05's exoskeleton. Damage inflicted upon the entity is often repaired within moments, making it challenging to compromise the structural integrity of the anomaly. Even if SCP-A-05 does not seem biological, it indeed is a living creature and is capable of bleeding, the DNA extracted from this blood has been analyzed, and it is mostly foreign and unknown, however, it is about 58,9% similar to that of humans; any blood lost by this creature in the rare case of injury is recovered by use of the A.T Field.

Telepathic Communication: SCP-A-05 has exhibited telepathic abilities, though attempts to establish communication have been unsuccessful. It remains unclear whether this communication is intentional or a byproduct of the A.T. Field's influence on nearby cognitive functions. Subjects near SCP-A-05 have reported to hear ''angelic choir singing'' while in the creature's vicinity, however,it is unknown if this is a message being sent by it, or a sound emitted to indicate it's presence like that many avian species.

Possible Containment Method:

Research is ongoing to develop a method for safely containing SCP-A-05. Current proposals include the development of specialized anti-A.T technology to neutralize or manipulate the A.T Field, allowing for more traditional containment measures. However, progress has been slow, and containment teams are advised to exercise extreme caution when engaging with SCP-A-05. So far, none of our efforts have yielded any results, but we haven't had any trouble containing the creature, as it chooses to remain stationary at a point somewhere in the [REDACTED] desert, where it is kept under constant surveillance. Currently, no ways of stoping SCP-A-05 if it decides to make its way into civilization have been established, but the usage of experimental weaponry known as N2 Mines has been authorized if needed, these bombs, twice as powerful as any nuclear warhead, are believed to be able to briefly pierce the A.T Field and damage the creature enough to incapacitate it, if this does not work, nothing can be done.

Note: The anomalous properties described are to be treated as classified information within the SCP Foundation. Unauthorized access to this information is strictly prohibited, and any breaches will be met with appropriate disciplinary action.


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