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Showing posts from June, 2023

Harry Potter and the Vessel of Shade Chapter 2, The Discovery

  As the Vessel glided through the air, it plotted how it would destroy Harry Potter, would it use its mighty blade to slice him in half? would it eat him alive? It didn't matter, as for the Vessel, any way of disposing of its enemy was good enough. However, an idea suddenly caused the Vessel to stop dead in its tracks, it hadn't realized that the Order of The Pheonix would likely be defending the castle, and even if he could take all members down, it would be a great waste of energy and resources, so, the Vessel decided to settle down to think on a plan. The most desirable resting place was a lonely clearing, somewhere in the forests on the outskirts of London, where it would likely never be found by any regular Muggle, as they aren't very good explorers. Meanwhile, Harry Potter had gone out on a relaxing vacation with his wife and kids, in a cabin near London, as it had been that city that started his journey as a mage and a hero, and he wanted to take a nostalgia trip th...

SCP-XXXX THE RADIANCE (The Absolute Radiance from Hollow Knight as an SCP)

 Item #: SCP-XXXX Class: Apollyon Special Containment Procedures: Due to the incorporeal and extradimensional nature of SCP-XXXX, direct containment is unattainable. Instead, individuals infected by SCP-XXXX, designated as SCP-XXXX-1 instances, are to be apprehended and placed under constant surveillance for investigative purposes and the potential development of a cure. Efforts to find a cure for SCP-XXXX have yielded no progress thus far. SCP-XXXX-1 instances are to be housed in standard humanoid containment cells, with access restricted to personnel assigned to their investigation. Description: SCP-XXXX is an entity existing in an unknown plane of existence, currently hypothesized to be the fifth dimension. It possesses the ability to infect other beings with a parasitic organism referred to as the "Light" or the "Radiance." This organism causes the internal organs of the infected subject to liquefy, resulting in the formation of teratoma-like tumors composed of ...