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Pokémon Biology class: Finizen and Palafin

 For this unit, we´re treating two similar species, so, they will presented separately on the next two pages.


Name: Finizen

Kingdom: Water Pokémon

Class: Dolphin 

Order: Cetacea

Species Name: Parvus Delphinus

Finizen or Parvus Delphinus is a species of dolphin Pokémon native to the regions of Paldea and Kalos, their main way of obtaining food is by hunting on small groups of magikarp, who are quickly devoured by the most dominant males in their group, however, females are often biologically disassociated with males, as they present quite a few changes in both feeding and overall habits. Finizen will often swim in groups of over 50 individuals that are leaded by a female Palafin, all of the Finizen in the group are completely obedient to the female leader, and will, most often, fight to see who breeds with her during the mating season, ironic enough, the female often dislikes the winner, and chooses another Finizen completely different from the two that fought. However, Finizen will not only fight for the female´s attetion, they will obey her every order, often sacrificing themselves in order to stop a bigger predator, or will even hunt additional food for the female if ordered so.  

Page 2

Name: Palafin

Kingdom: Water Pokémon

Class: Dolphin 

Order: Cetacea

Species Name: Hero maris

Palafin or Hero maris a female-only species, as Female Finizen DNA counts with a specialized gene that allows them to evolve into Palafin, and males, who don´t count with this gene, can´t. Palafin are often confused with Finizen due to thier almost identical appearance, however, Palafin count with a heart shaped spot on thier chests to be distinguished by males of their pre-evolved state. However Palafin also have a very unique trait that distinguishes them from most Water type Pokémon, thier so-called "Hero Form" in which they adopt a muscular shape often associated with masculinity and Super Heroes (hence the name), and while in this state, they gain enormous strenght and resistance, as thier body is covered in a thick and hard layer of mucus that deflects most attacks. Although the change appears to be cosmetic, this is a trick used to attract female Milotic and Gyarados to them during those species' mating season, and when thier prey are close enough, they crack their neck with incredible force, most of the time separating the head from the body, and feast on the remains of the prey, after the female is done eating, the rest of the group can eat in peace, when this ritual is done, the bloody mess attracts Sharpedo, who often feed on whatever was left or dead Finizen killed by the dominant female if they dared to start eating before she was done. For this next segment i would like to quote something said previously in this textbook "all of the Finizen in the group are completely obedient to the female leader, and will, most often, fight to see who breeds with her during the mating season, ironic enough, the female often dislikes the winner, and chooses another Finizen completely different from the two that fought"  when mating season arrives, Palafin will adopt their "Hero" state most of the time, and even force Finizen to breed with her, so that she gets more Finizen at her service, in the event of another Palafin being born from one of the eggs laid by the female, it will be either expelled of the group and killed by a swarm of males if it decides to attempt a return, or be eaten by the female upon hatching from its egg.


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