Pages 102-119. The Book of Creation, Chapter 5 ''The Egg''
First, there was nothing, then, there was an Egg, this egg was laid by no mother, as the Egg was its own, and from that egg, hatched Arceus. For eons, Arceus reflected on the meaning of its existence, and then, Arceus realized that the purpose of his existence was to make others and such, he made Necrozma, Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina, and ordered them to shape the universe, but they all complained that it was such a hard task, so he stretched out his arm, and from the sleeve of his robe came millions of hands, which helped the four dragons of creation to form the universe. Palkia made the space where everything would be, Dialga made the time that would give everything a limit so that nothing would be eternal, Necrozma made the stars that lit up everything, and Giratina made the darkness that would consume those stars eventually. But then, Arceus realized that there was no other life than He, His sons, and Daughter, so He made a rock, and in that rock, he made oceans and land, and two mighty beasts to control them, of course, he made a guardian for these beasts, as they would not stop fighting and destroying his creation. Then, He ordered Necrozma to make a brighter star, to light up that world. However, Necrozma refused and wanted to be that star herself, Arceus would not accept such insolence from his own Daughter, so, He took her power away, sealed it on a special crystal, and made a warden for it, a warrior of the shadows who was gifted half of Arceus's strength to be able to protect the crystal and destroy anyone foolish enough to want to steal it. Lastly, Arceus made new gods to be able to control the Sun, as he named the star that he made, and the Moon, a giant rock that gave special capabilities to certain beings on earth. As the finishing touch, he made a flying Grim Reaper, that would take the life out every creature in the world, and a kind Fairy that would give life to every creature, to make balance. Overseeing his work, Arceus decided it was time to rest, and went to sleep at the center of the universe, releasing an Avatar form that would take the role of a guard, watching how every major deity made minor ones control certain things, and how regular creatures lived peaceful lives, and even how a new dominant species made all sorts of advancements, they dominated the land and the sea, the skies, and soon enough, they were able to control other creatures too, Arceus decided to baptize this new dominant species as Humans, letting them advance in almost everything they wanted, always watching them and taking care that no outside forces would ever harm them.

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