Greetings, creatures of the multiverse, its is me, JaguarGT back again to remake one of Gene's worst entries ever, correcting his horrible grammar, and expanding on it a little. (also week 7 has been added)
The Tutorial
For this week Doggy will be replacing Girlfriend, and Lulu will be replacing the Boyfriend. Not much to add to the story, just the fact that Doggy teaches us the game's singing system via barking instead of the words ''up'', ''down'', ''left'' and ''right''
WEEK 1- Daddy Dearest/Wario the gamest
For this week, the opponent to fight against is now Wario, who also has a new voice sample apart from The Dad's (This will be the case for almost all the characters from now on, if otherwise it will be mentioned). Wario wants Lulu to stay away from his gaming contest, argumenting that she's ''too young'' to participate.
The songs have been renmed to
Get Ready
WEEK 2- SPOOKY MONTH!/Training session
After Wario's crushing defeat, Lulu gets Wario's permission to participate in his gaming contest. However, she feels unprepared, so she decides to train with two young ninja girls, Kat and Ana, who will be replacing Skid and Pump. After the training session is over, a mysterious Pig-Shaped aircraft descends from the skies, revealing Orbulon the alien, our replacement for Monster. The lyrics for his song right now are completely the same, except all the instances of the word ''Girlfriend'' are changed to ''Pet'' and his voice is slightly more robotic and echoed.
The songs have been renamed to:
WEEK 3- Pico/9-Volt
Lulu decides to rest, as the gaming contest won't take place until the next day, so she takes her pet Doggy to the Diamond City Mall to eat something. There they are confronted by 9-Volt, Pico's replacement, who was gifted a Nintendo Switch pro and a copy of Pokémon Scarlet by Wario, as payment to get 9-Volt to steal Lulu and Doggy's speakers and microphone.
The songs have been renamed to
Feelin' Bad
Red Ring of Death
WEEK 4- Mommy Must Murder/Fashion Show
Lulu walks out of the mall annoyed but gets her way cut off by Mona, The Mom's replacement. Lulu tells Mona she is very busy today, but the actress refuses to listen, asking Lulu if she likes her dress, The young girl, now angered shouts ''It's so horrible not even the dumpster would like it!'' Mona gets offended and challenges Lulu to a rap battle... on the roof of her Limousine... While on the highway at 80 miles per hour.
The song's names remain the same.
Week 5/ Christmas Mall
(The following weeks, until week 7 take place in the future)
Lulu and Doggy are going to the mall to meet Santa, however, their happiness fades away when they recognize the man in the costume and the elf by his side, they are Wario and Mona, who after their humiliating defeat, decided to recuperate their money as Mall Santas, now they wanted revenge, and what is a better revenge than another rap battle? After the battle, the glass ceiling of the mall shattered, and a gigantic dog plush head fell on the Christmas tree at the center of the Mall, Orbulon the Alien flew in, saying he wanted another try at beating Lulu, the rap prodigy.
The song's names remain the same.
Week 6/ What is this place?
Lulu and 9-Volt are now best friends, and as such, they decided to watch a movie together, 9-Volt turns on his ULTRA TURBO SMART BLUE-RAY DISC RADER 9000 XL, and turns on the movie app, however, the screen turned green, and a portal sucked them in, there, a pixelated boy waved at them.
Dialogue and song names
''A little boy, a little lady, and their puppy, I see, are you kids lost?''
he said
''No, but how about a little rappin'?''
Lulu answered
''Alright, but let me warn you, I'm good at this''
1st song- Senpai
''Huh?! Impossible! How'd you beat me you spoiled little brat!''
The boy asked
Lulu was cut short
''Another round, now''
2nd song- Who's the brat now?
The boy shouted, noticeably scared
''What's wrong?''
9-Volt asked
but suddenly, the boy's pixelated body disappeared, now, a little girl, probably Lulu's age floated in the air, her name? Ashley. She started singing without saying a word, after lulu won, a bright light shone, and both of the kids woke up in 9-Volt's room.
Week 7/ Imposible Challange
It's contest time! And the final round is against Wario himself, and the challenge seems impossible: Win a game of Street Fighter and rap at the same time. And the worst part: Wario is in his powerful last form: Wario Deluxe! Luckily, both Doggy and 9-Volt are here to help, both will distract Wario so he loses focus to give Lulu the advantage during the last song
The songs have been renamed to:
Last Round!
Hombrew battlin' channel
Golden Power
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