Fortnite: the war between the seven and the Imagined Order, in the perspective of regular island inahabitant.
When the Zeppelins approached from the distance everyone tought here was nothing wrong with them,as they appered to be completely normal, until one of them started to deploy a turret from under it, and shot at the staring crowd, killing a few, and injuring hundreds. Every major city was attacked, and everyone was forced to stay inside, as our Mayors and Gobernors were killed and overcame by ''The Imagined Order'' and instructed us to stay inside when they were working. Some citizens dared to opose the new system, but sadly, this wasn't a movie, and they got killed, but only one of them got as far as to killing a high rank officer from the order, whose name was apparently just ''Huntmaster''. When were starting to lose hope, a message appered on out TVs, stating there was a resistance, preparing for a war, and their leaders simply known as ''The Seven'' were advaced high-techonology cyborgs equipped and trained for any kind of combat situation. For months battles to the death were fought in various locations, most weren't damaged much, but one, Tilted Towers, got the short end of the stick, most of the people that lived there died when bombs planted all over the place exploded, I was lucky to escape towards Condo Canyon hours before the attack. Slowly, The Seven and their group of resistance started taking down the zeppelins, and killing the officers of The Order, at first everyone tought it was kind of cruel, but, turns out they were robots all the time. Yesterday everyone was going back to their normal lives, since The Order withdrew their forces towards their main base, but when the ground crumbled and a giant tower emerged from the very heart of the earth, we knew something was terribly wrong. At his very moment, The Seven have vanished completely, and we were left alone, to die, in war that simply cannot end.
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