Good morning everyone we're here to say goodbye to the Game and Wario Saga with a last entry about it not only in my blog but in the nintendo catalog, this celebration will be: a Friday Night Funkin' mod, or FNF mod for short.
For this week Doggy or Perrito in Spain and Latin America will be replacing Girlfriend in this mod,
and Lulú will be replacing Boyfriend.
Not much to add to the story, just that Doggy teaches us the game's singing system by barking.
Ah! One more thing, I'll be using the spanish names for some characters, as I don't know
the English name for them, I won't bother telling you to correct me in the comments.
I know more than well you don't comment anything on any of my entries, anyway let's move on.
WEEK 1- Daddy Dearest/Wario the gamest
In this week we'll see Wario rap battling against Lulú, not beacuse the reason Daddy Dearest does, but
because he doesn't want her to participate in his gaming contest. The song has been renamed to:
Starting out!
Garlic Bread
WEEK 2- SPOOKY MONTH!/Training session
After the Battle with Wario Lulú decides to go train with a pair of very skilled ninja girls, who teach her the
ancient power of smoke bombs, but just when the training ended a spaceship descended from the sky, bringing
ORBULON the alien. The songs have been renamed to
Shurikens and Katanas
(very creative I know)
WEEK 3- Pico/9-Volt
After that intense training and surprise song, Lulú and Doggy go to the mall to eat something, there they encounter
9-Volt, who was hired by Wario to steal their speakers and microphone, in order to stop them from getting better at rapping, Lulú fought off 9-Volt and won. The songs have been renamed to
Feeling Bad
Rhytm Paradise
WEEK 4- Mommy Must Murder/Fashion Show
Some minutes after the fight in the mall, Lulú and Doggy approach the center of the city, ready to face off against Wario,
but is interrupted by Mona, who forces Lulú to rap battle after she said her dress was horrible. The songs have been renamed to:
Elegant Clothing
Clothes Shop
Tiaras.Crowns.And.Hats, or T.C.A.H for short
Lulú is finally ready for Wario's rap and gaming tournament, she enters the stage, determined to win.
After two songs, wario puts on his ''crown'' and transforms into Wario Deluxe, and prepares for singing harder than he has ever sung before.
The songs have been renamed to:
Introductory Rap
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