So, one day my cousin Kevin and I were mining on a cave, and all of sudden, a bunch of gravel blocks fell, revealing a DEEP cave. After making a safe bridge to the newly discovered cave, we found a lot of Redstone, gold, and coal. Finally, we decided that we would look for diamonds. We dug for a LOOOOOOOOONG while, until we reached a naturally flat area. and next to that we FOUND DIAMONDS, that's right, our effort got rewarded. We found 8 diamonds, sadly they were lost, because a zombie killed me, and in an anger attack, I deleted the world (and the game) from my PS4, without remembering, I still had 4 diamonds in a chest.
OBJECT CLASS: DANGEROUS ESPECIAL CONTAINMENT FEATURES: The creature can't be contained as it is made out of pure fog. This humanoid being is extremely hostile as it tries to attack everything within a 2 meters radius also can only calm the creature down by showing it a white flag, how convenient the creature appeared during a daily check-up and, everything in our power was tried to stop it until without no option we had to call agent Echo who was wearing a WHITE suit, the monster instantly calmed down and disappeared. Later the monster was registered as SCP-987 White man. Several investigations were made about how the creature can harm a human being as it is only made of fog. The only successful analysis that could be run determined that the creature uses pressurized air to make fog blades that cut like razors. FIRS INTELLIGENCE DEMONSTRATION (SCP-987 walks around the interview room) DR.Light: are..are you OK? SCP-987: don't see ...
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