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Showing posts from June, 2020

The first REAL story of the blog

So, before we start I'd like to say that when I say REAL I mean, that it really happened to me.  One day my friends and I were playing in my school's yard, and from one moment to another one of my classmates started screaming and fell to the floor. Everyone was like "Oh my god, Alex are u ok?" And he was like "N O  I ' M  N O T   O K!" But at that moment nobody knew what happened to him, I had two theories: 1. He was shot by a (really bad) sniper and the bullet impacted him in the arm. 2. His arm veins exploded because of the accumulation of blood. But neither of those theories was true, because it turns out another classmate known as "Colocho (Real name, Estuardo)" Kicked the soccer ball too hard, hitting Alex's arm, and BREAKING IT. Was this guy was strong as Hulk or what? Can you break someone's arm with a $1* rubber soccer ball? Were Alex's bones made of paper? Why did Esturdo shoot the ball at him if he was not the Goalkeeper? ...

The new CArtoon Network show: Thundercats ROAR!

So first I've gotta say that I didn't saw the original Thundercats, not because they're boring, but because it's hard to find a complete episode without 1.000.000 Advertisements on ti. And second, Thundercats Roar! isn't a bad cartoon. The first episode: Lion-o's burrito, it's not a Teen Titans Go! Comedy style episode, it's meant for everyone to get to know how the characters act, move (animation), talk (voice). And even it has more action than the last 50 episodes of Teen Titans GO! hmmm, actually not sure about that (*opens new tab*, *searches*) Yes it has more action than the last SEASON of Teen Titans Go!, with Lion-o's burrito with 4 fights, one with Munrrah and the other three with small skeletons, summoned by him. And Teen Titans Go! Season  with 2 FIGHTS and one is  ROBIN vs A SANDWiCh  and the second Is two SECONDS LOOOOONG and it's a reference to original Teen Titans movie. See, I haven't seen the other two episodes of Thundercats ...

The greatest error i{ve commited with a hotwheels car

Hello, today I'm gonna tell you about the worst error I've committed with a Hotwheels car. So the car was not exactly a car, it was The Hotwheels Off-Tracks Mad Propz plane. I bought it around a year ago, but due to conservative reasons, the plane was put in a box. Sooner this week I took it out to make it part of my 48 car collection and testing out if it flew... PAUSE, see I will tell you how I decided to see if the thing flew, first I searched for it on google, as I found no results, I tried on youtube and after 7 minutes of scrolling, I saw a video titled: "Hotwheelies (yeah "wheelies" totally not made by a 5-year old kid) flight through the each" at the start I thought "flight through the each? what does that mean?" but then I realized, the kid who uploaded the video forgot to put the "b" in to complete the word "beach". So I said "OH MY GOD, I've got an actual flying car?!?!? I have to try this out right now !!! c...

Minecraft: Tips on building decorative sculptures

1. Always pay attention to detail, for example,  if you´re using magenta glass to build, then you can´t use pink or purple one for the rest of the structure (it will look ugly). You can make if your structure requires it. 2. Make it symmetrical, everyone hates a structure with a side bigger than another, and this time the rule can not be broken, if you do you are officially a Minecraft criminal. Nah just joking, but seriously please don't make you structures a-symmetrical. 3. Use only 4 types of materials that blend in well. For example: Wood an end stone bricks HORRIBLE COMBINATION. And Lava and redstone blocks N I C E   C O M B I N A T I O N. 4. Please, don't build volcanos as straight sausages. When I got to be the judge in Build Battle, I saw like... 4 volcanos that were basically sausages with lava inside them, at least make them like, a staircase, and put a flowing lava stream flowing by one of its sides. It's a bit awkward to vote those as Bad or S U P E R  B ...