So, before we start I'd like to say that when I say REAL I mean, that it really happened to me. One day my friends and I were playing in my school's yard, and from one moment to another one of my classmates started screaming and fell to the floor. Everyone was like "Oh my god, Alex are u ok?" And he was like "N O I ' M N O T O K!" But at that moment nobody knew what happened to him, I had two theories: 1. He was shot by a (really bad) sniper and the bullet impacted him in the arm. 2. His arm veins exploded because of the accumulation of blood. But neither of those theories was true, because it turns out another classmate known as "Colocho (Real name, Estuardo)" Kicked the soccer ball too hard, hitting Alex's arm, and BREAKING IT. Was this guy was strong as Hulk or what? Can you break someone's arm with a $1* rubber soccer ball? Were Alex's bones made of paper? Why did Esturdo shoot the ball at him if he was not the Goalkeeper? ...