special containment features: SCP-120 has to be cotained in a 45x45 meter sealed metal chamber filled with string for the creature to auto repair itself as the creature also damges his fragile fisical structure.
Description: SCP-120 is a wandering puppet who doesn't needs a puppeter to move around, instead the creature uses an unknown method to move around by it's own. The material SCP-120 is made is speciffically silk from the "Theraphosa blondi"
wich is not characterizd for being strong but realy strechable that's why our best scientist say the puppet is cappable of moving it's arms and legs like a normal human being would do.The creature was found laying moveless on the floor of a theatre later on when SCP-120 was putted on a temporal containment chamber, but SCP-120 slipped through a small openning on the cell and caused a containment breach. The body of SCP-120 presents no physical features, no face, no fingernails or anything that could give it a more human look
special containment features: SCP-120 has to be cotained in a 45x45 meter sealed metal chamber filled with string for the creature to auto repair itself as the creature also damges his fragile fisical structure.
Description: SCP-120 is a wandering puppet who doesn't needs a puppeter to move around, instead the creature uses an unknown method to move around by it's own. The material SCP-120 is made is speciffically silk from the "Theraphosa blondi"
wich is not characterizd for being strong but realy strechable that's why our best scientist say the puppet is cappable of moving it's arms and legs like a normal human being would do.The creature was found laying moveless on the floor of a theatre later on when SCP-120 was putted on a temporal containment chamber, but SCP-120 slipped through a small openning on the cell and caused a containment breach. The body of SCP-120 presents no physical features, no face, no fingernails or anything that could give it a more human look
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