Object class: safe
special containment: this object can't be contained due to it's only appearence that can be docuented was in photo took in th year 1899 wich pictured a car accident
description: there is nothing that his name doesn't say, he's a man with his face upside down and less scary than should imagine, as we think he only appers during car crashes beacause many people reported seeing him during the mentioned events
image not available .ERROR.34564554.SERVERREQUESTFAILED
special containment: this object can't be contained due to it's only appearence that can be docuented was in photo took in th year 1899 wich pictured a car accident
description: there is nothing that his name doesn't say, he's a man with his face upside down and less scary than should imagine, as we think he only appers during car crashes beacause many people reported seeing him during the mentioned events
image not available .ERROR.34564554.SERVERREQUESTFAILED
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