I f you found this error don't be afraid you just have to follow some simple steps, and you will have fun with the cubes game again.
First go to deveplopment console and after the error wirte: userfiles//the name of your user files.updatefiles.generatenewimpulse. that will generate a new impulse for the server look for a new update in minecraft update files and it will always find one, an screen with 2 options should apear next you have o click install. Then the minecraft launcher should restart and you have to select the actual minecraft version you need to have then the game wll stars opening the 3D modeler of minecraft Tabula just close it, configure your user, and have put your e-mail and you will get a code imput it on the *imput thing* and you are almost there so just need to create a new world and see that everything is working and if it does so YAY you did it.
First go to deveplopment console and after the error wirte: userfiles//the name of your user files.updatefiles.generatenewimpulse. that will generate a new impulse for the server look for a new update in minecraft update files and it will always find one, an screen with 2 options should apear next you have o click install. Then the minecraft launcher should restart and you have to select the actual minecraft version you need to have then the game wll stars opening the 3D modeler of minecraft Tabula just close it, configure your user, and have put your e-mail and you will get a code imput it on the *imput thing* and you are almost there so just need to create a new world and see that everything is working and if it does so YAY you did it.
hello, now this error was solved by mojanj so this entry is prtty much useless, so is so sad to have erase a story..