First at the very entrance was a big a metal door which was almost destroyed, i entered but then after passing through that door i found a statue of mickey mouse, but it had no eyes meaning that it was very scary i touched it and said, -Continue like that boy, you can attract more ghosts to here to scare me, ha ha.- and as it would be alive, it played the sound "ha ha, i will do it goofy....."-
it was supposed to say : "and for that we'll call otoodles", but it didn't told anything else it just was there, motionless watching to the void with no eyes. Second i found the jungle palace a turistical center that was inspired by "The jungle book"
i was specting to find anything interesting, sadly the entire building was empty anything was found to the sight exept for one small room were i fond some costumes, nothing to take a photo of but then i saw a "negative mickey" sign pointing to the left i followed the sign's instructions and found like the same sign told an animatronic of a negative color pallete mickey, and suprinsingly it told: -do you want to see me remove my head?- i ran away as fast as i could and in my rush i could read in a metal pannel: forgotten by disney.
it was supposed to say : "and for that we'll call otoodles", but it didn't told anything else it just was there, motionless watching to the void with no eyes. Second i found the jungle palace a turistical center that was inspired by "The jungle book"
i was specting to find anything interesting, sadly the entire building was empty anything was found to the sight exept for one small room were i fond some costumes, nothing to take a photo of but then i saw a "negative mickey" sign pointing to the left i followed the sign's instructions and found like the same sign told an animatronic of a negative color pallete mickey, and suprinsingly it told: -do you want to see me remove my head?- i ran away as fast as i could and in my rush i could read in a metal pannel: forgotten by disney.
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