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Golden Gear Chronicles | Mini-release #1: meet the gang!

The sun rose lazily over the rolling fields of Golden Hills, its golden rays casting long shadows across the quaint town nestled in a lush valley. The soft hum of morning life filled the air—birds chirped from the branches of oak trees, the gentle clatter of breakfast dishes echoed from open windows. Golden Hills was a place where time felt slower—but not in a bad way. It was the sort of town where people knew your name—and your quirks, too. That’s why no one batted an eye when the sound of a loud BANG reverberated from the wooden shed in the corner of the Zonai family’s yard, followed by a plume of green smoke rising above the rooftops. From out of the shed stumbled a tall Zonai boy, around fourteen years old, coughing as he removed a heavy soldering mask from his face. “Note to self: rockets are activated outside,” Zynan muttered, waving away the lingering smoke as he trudged toward the house. “Oh, Zynan, dear,” his mother, Leira, called from the kitchen, where she sat sipping tea at the table. Breakfast was ready, and it smelled… questionable, yet the pleasant smell of tea disguised the weird secondary smell coming from somewhere in the kitchen. “Your invention failed again? “Not exactly…” Zynan replied, brushing soot from his hair. “Well, what happened this time? Did the fan refuse to work so you rewired it? Did the Big Wheel go too fast and burn out? Or maybe something with a Flame Emitter?” Leira guessed, a knowing smile tugging at her lips as she rose to meet him. “Nah, I accidentally activated a rocket inside." Leira burst out laughing. “It’s not funny!” Zynan groaned, lightly pushing her away. “Getting the rocket remote fused with my controller is essential to my high-speed vehicle!” “Oh, no, I’m laughing because if you needed help with rockets, you could’ve just asked! You do remember I work with them all the time at the repair shop, right? I’ve got tons of devices that might help.” “Yeah? Like what?” Zynan shot back. “Last time you gave me device capsules, they were full of hydrants and sleds!” “Well, you know it’s hard to get ahold of the good stuff. And it doesn’t help that someone keeps wasting the rockets!” she teased, pulling him into a quick hug. “We’ll look at that new vehicle of yours after breakfast. Now sit down before the food gets cold.” Zynan slumped into a chair and stared at the charred toast and fried eggs, which seemed to shimmer with an unnaturally metallic sheen. “Mom?” he muttered cautiously. “Yes, dear? What’s wrong with it?” Leira asked, raising an eyebrow. “…You didn’t make this, did you?” She sighed. “Sadly, no. Your father did.” “I knew it!” Zynan exclaimed. “I thought Dad’s cooking skills had improved!” “They have,” Leira said, crumbling a piece of toast in her hands. “But apparently, he decided to use a Shock Emitter instead of the stove to ‘save time.’ As you can see, it didn’t end well.” “Why did you let him use a Shock Emitter?” Zynan scolded. Leira shrugged. “How else will he learn his lesson?” Zynan groaned and pushed his chair back. “So, do we cook something else?” Leira grinned. “Sure, but let’s use the stove this time.” “Or,” Zynan said with a triumphant grin, “we can test my newest invention: the Turbo Cooker! Powered by a Flame Emitter and regulated with a Fan, it’s a masterpiece!” Leira crossed her arms and stared at him with a pointed look. “…Or maybe we’ll just use the stove,” Zynan relented, sighing as he reached for the skillet. After a quick meal, mother and son walked up to the shed, Leira opened the door and was met with the sight of a mountain of different parts and tons of Zonai devices, along with the culprit of the explosion: a rocket that had mysteriously exploded into a million pieces, "Now, what the heck did you do in order to get this thing to blow up? These are supposed to go fast, and that's it" she asked, taking a look at the gigantic hole in the rocket's shaft, "I, might have used a Large Zonai Charge, after replacing the power source with an Ancient Core..." said Zynan as he walked up to the rocket and pointed out the charred remains of the Ancient Core, "That's impressive, but very dangerous. That thing could have done much more than just let out some green smoke, you DO realize that you could have blown up the entire shed, right?" replied Leira, as she got up and started searching for something, "Oh! That's why it was overheating, then! There was no need to attach a Frost Emitter, then!" Leira suddenly stopped dead in her tracks and slowly turned around to look at her son, her ears were slowly moving backwards, her tail was rigid "Mom, what is it?" he said nervously "What do you mean A frost emitter? Surely, you don't mean the only one we had, right? The one we were gonna sell to buy that new video game you want." Zynan's heart skipped a beat, "You mean we don't have any more?! The one that blew up with the rocket was the only one?!" he shouted in panic, "Well, of course it was! The materials to make Frost Emitters are rare! Now, I'm not mad, just... disappointed." she said, as she walked out from the shed, "But, I think I can find a way for to solve this issue. AND it means you will be paying for your own game." she said, as she rushed to house, "What do I need to do? I'll do anything! Use my powers to help construction workers, go work a 12 hour shift at a factory with my Autobuild, maybe even do custom tools for people with Fuse!" "Good suggestions, but first off, there have not been any new buildings in this town for twenty years, there aren't any factories in like 50 miles, and you can't use Fuse yet." she replied as she grabbed the house phone and dialed a number, "Besides, remember Kath? Her mom works in a bakery, and you will work there to earn yourself the money for your new game AND to pay my Frost Emitter." she concluded, "WHAT?! I will not brinf myself to work such a simple job! I will sell my device stockpile if necessary, but I won't go there!" he said, crossing his arms and turning around, "Oh yeah? I hope those huge ears of yours aren't just for show, so listen well. They give away free samples to their employees." she said, "Deal. I love the cupcakes they sell." replied the boy, "When do I start?" he asked, "Today, that's why I'm calling" said Leira before someone finally picked up and she started speaking with who Zynan assumed was Kath's mother, "At least Miss Tabbytail is kinda pretty, spening time with her AND my best friend is such a cool thing!"

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a young cat girl laid in bed, asleep. The curtains in her room were closed and everything was pitch black, her soft purring a sign of a well-earned night of rest. That was until her alarm went off, she slowly got up, her fur messy "Well, that lasted a whole five minutes..." she said, as she got out of bed and opened the curtains, "Let's see... do I have to go deliver the mail with dad, or..." she muttered as she looked at the calendar neatly put on her bedroom door, her expression lit up in happiness as she saw "Baking w/ Mum" written on the reminders for the day. Ten minutes later, dressed in a simple beige shirt, blue jeans, and a green apron, Katherine was ready to start her day. She fastened a small name tag that read, “Hello! My name is Katherine Tabbytail!” and made her way downstairs and saw her father, Felix Tabbytail making a cup of coffee. "Hey, you're awake. It's very late, you should go help your mother with the bakery." he said, as he drank the coffee without waiting for it to cool down, "But it's six in the morning, the bakery doesn't open until eight..." she said, "Oh, yeah. Then put on your uniform and wait for your friend to come over and take you there with that new car of his" he replied, sitting down in the couch and turning on the TV "But, dad. I am ready. Did you wake up at three A.M again just to deliver the mail?" she asked with a concerned tone, "Yes. How else would people get their important mail right as they wake up?" he said, attempting to strike a dramatic pose, "I don't know, maybe by just waiting like everyone else? You can't just go around leaving letters on the neighbor's doorsteps at midnight like a creep! People are gonna be calling you the mail ninja now" "Huh... I thought that I should scold you, you're my daughter!" Felix replied with a tired smile,  but his daughter just sighed "So responsible, you end up being irresponsible." she said, shaking her head, "You know what, I will go at the appropriate time tomorrow! You won't have to get up early to go with me!" he said triumphantly, getting up from the couch and putting a hand on his daughter's shoulder, "From this moment on, I will be on schedule and deliver mail at exactly six thirty in the morning, like I should! I will no longer stay up all night doing it!" Katherine sighed once again, "Yeah, like you always say. Did you at least make breakfast?" she asked, "Of course. I made some scrambled eggs with bacon, there's a bottle of fresh milk on the fridge, and your mother left a little treat for you. If you need me, I'll be taking a nap." concluded the tired mail man as he sat right back down and started watching Hyrule's Funniest Videos on the TV. "Not with that program again!" said Katherine from the dining table, "I hate it! They've been using the same videos from two years ago!" she shouted again, "You know the 1998 run was the best!" replied Felix, "No, it is not! I wanna see the brand-new run! I've heard there's one recorded at the Hyrule Castle Ruins that got some people arrested!" she said, quickly rushing over to the couch, plate in hand, "No! I hate those new ones! They're just people and pets falling over!" said Felix, grabbing the TV remote, "But that's the funny part!" responded Kath ones again. As time went by, they spent more time arguing about the program than watching it, "See? This episode was obviously better!" exclaimed the cat girl, mouth full of the strawberry cupcake her mother had made, "No! The July 1998 one was much better! I loved the part when the horse tried to eat a Dazzlefruit!" he shouted "Ugh! I know about that video, you used to replay it so much the tape got stuck! The real entertainment is seeing people do dumb stuff, not the same horse and fruit over and over!" she said, "Well, yes, but seing people go around destroying important history is not funny, and watching them get arrested is kinda cruel" he replied "It is cruel, but also hilarious! They what they desrv-", their conversation was cut short by thundering footsteps coming from the stairs, a big cat with fluffy fur came down, angrily holding a pillow in her hands, it was none other than the family's matriarch and resident powerhouse Margot Tabbytail. "You two have been shouting about, Hylia-knows-what for the last thirty minutes, and not only that, I was called for a very imporant thing a little while ago! I was having a wonderful dream and that damn call woke me up, then you two started arguing and I couldn't resume my sleep! What are you doing up so early, Katherine? You have a job to do today! You need to be well rested so you don't fall asleep at work again!" she said, scolding both her husband and daughter, "Margot, honey, we were just having fun!" said Felix, "Fun? Waking up your wife before her eight-hour shift is fun to you? Kathy, dear, please go to your room. There's stuff to finish here" she said, "Dad started it!" Katherine said as she pinted toward her father, "I know, dear. Go to your room, I'll deal with your father", Katherine bolted up the flight of stairs and closed the door behind her, "Oh, man. Dad's in so much trouble. But at least I finally found something we can agree on: comedy TV is the best!"


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