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SCP-2017: "The Blinded Paw"

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-2017 is to be contained within a standard secure enclosure at Site-██. The enclosure should mimic a typical urban environment and be equipped with non-reflective, opaque surfaces to prevent the manifestation of SCP-2017's anomalous effects. Personnel are prohibited from direct contact with SCP-2017. Any personnel required to enter its containment must wear protective suits to avoid any exposure to SCP-2017's anomalous influence. If any personnel begin exhibiting signs of ocular distortion or transformation (see Addendum 2017-01), they are to be immediately quarantined.

Surveillance of SCP-2017 should be conducted via remote cameras, as any reflective surface may trigger its anomalous properties. Under no circumstances should SCP-2017 be allowed to come into contact with animals or humans without the appropriate safety measures in place.


SCP-2017 is a feline resembling a common domestic cat (Felis catus) of mixed breed, measuring approximately 45 cm in length with grey-and-black striped fur. While SCP-2017 behaves like a typical feline in most respects, its primary anomalous trait manifests when it makes direct contact with other organisms.

Upon physical contact, SCP-2017 induces a transformation in the touched entity. The affected individual, whether human or animal, begins a gradual process in which their physical form alters in a manner similar to the first stages of digital or artistic distortion. This transformation affects the entire body of the subject and is completely irreversible. Subjects will often retain their general shape but become an uncanny hybrid of their original form and an unfamiliar, surreal creature, seemingly composed of "incorrect" features, much like an AI-generated image that has failed to recognize proper anatomy.

Affected Subjects will become aggressive and lose most signs of intelligence, however, they will remain passive while in the general vicinity of SCP-2017.

Addendum 2017-01: Notable Manifestations

The transformation process typically starts within minutes after contact and has been observed to proceed through several distinct phases:

Ocular Disappearance: The subject's eyes will disappear or be replaced by strange textures, such as fur or digital noise, rendering them blind. However, afflicted subjects can still detect motion around them by unknown means.

Facial Distortion: Subjects' facial features begin to contort, flatten, or blur. In some instances, features that would typically belong to an animal (e.g., feline whiskers or a muzzle) may appear, even if the subject is human. Vice-Verse, animal subjects may acquire human-like characteristics (e.g, humanoid noses or limbs)

Bodily Transformation: Over the course of several hours, the subject's body will further distort, becoming patchwork-like, with features appearing to be "edited" or incomplete. These changes result in a form that defies biological logic. Limbs may become disproportionately long or twisted, fur or other textures may spread across their skin, and in severe cases, additional limbs or animalistic traits may appear. The most common mutations include:

-Complete or partial change in skin color

-Complete removal of eyes

-Addition of many pairs of eyes

Affected subjects often retain cognitive function, and in some cases, they are able to communicate. However, their mental state tends to degrade due to the sensory overload and trauma caused by their transformation.

Incident Report 2017-Alpha:

During initial containment, a D-Class subject (D-3453) was instructed to interact with SCP-2017 in order to gauge its effects. Upon petting SCP-2017, D-3453 experienced a rapid onset of the transformation, with both eyes disappearing entirely and his arms developing thick, matted fur within five minutes. Over the next hour, D-3453's body underwent further distortion, and he reported feeling an overwhelming sense of "being watched" despite lacking functional eyes. D-3453’s body was later described as having taken on a surreal appearance, with his skin developing textures resembling static or fabric. Upon the passing of 24 hours, D-3453's body was turned into a strange, stationary mass with a composition of 75% fur, with the rest being flesh. The state of D-3453's organs is currently unknown.

SCP-2017 continued to behave as a normal feline, unaffected by the transformation occurring to D-3453. The subject was later terminated after failing to display any sort of vital sign.

Addendum 2017-02: Origin Theory

SCP-2017's anomalous properties were first discovered when a social media user uploaded a photograph of a domestic cat (now identified as SCP-2017) wearing sunglasses. Subsequent posts, attempting to remove the sunglasses using an automated editing program, resulted in the creation of a series of images depicting the cat with distorted facial features, particularly the absence of eyes. Several individuals who interacted with the post began to report similar distortions in their own pets, leading to widespread investigation by the Foundation.

It is believed that SCP-2017 may possess a memetic influence, as viewing images of it for prolonged periods has been associated with mild hallucinations and cognitive dissonance. Digital interactions with SCP-2017, particularly through image editing software, seem to amplify its effects, though no conclusive data has been obtained on whether the digital medium can fully replicate SCP-2017's anomalous touch.

Addendum 2017-03: Experimentation on Digital Media

Ongoing experiments are attempting to understand whether SCP-2017's anomalous properties can manifest through purely digital means. Researchers have noted that certain algorithms when applied to SCP-2017's image, produce unexpected and impossible results, similar to the physical transformations it induces in organic matter.

In light of these findings, SCP-2017-related images have been restricted across all public domains, and personnel are required to undergo mental health screening after reviewing any such materials.


Distorted image of SCP-2017


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