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Showing posts from November, 2022

Pokémon ''Mythology'' Class: The creation of the universe

  Pages 102-119. The Book of Creation, Chapter 5 ''The Egg'' First, there was nothing, then, there was an Egg, this egg was laid by no mother, as the Egg was its own, and from that egg, hatched Arceus. For eons, Arceus reflected on the meaning of its existence, and then, Arceus realized that the purpose of his existence was to make others and such, he made Necrozma, Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina, and ordered them to shape the universe, but they all complained that it was such a hard task, so he stretched out his arm, and from the sleeve of his robe came millions of hands, which helped the four dragons of creation to form the universe.  Palkia made the space where everything would be, Dialga made the time that would give everything a limit so that nothing would be eternal,  Necrozma made the stars that lit up everything, and Giratina made the darkness that would consume those stars eventually. But then, Arceus realized that there was no other life than He, His sons, and D...

Un mensaje importante desde el planeta tierra

  Hola a todos, soy JaguarGT y el día tenemos nuestra primera ''nota verde'', en esta ocasión tenemos un mensaje de un habitante del planeta tierra, quién nos compartirá algunos de sus pensamientos, bienvenido, Celebi Celebi: Hola, soy Celebi, el Pokémon cuidador de la naturaleza y los bosques, y me gustaría dar algunos mensajes para que la gente de este universo y todos los demás escuchen. Primero, quiero dar mi desaprobación a todos aquellos grupos de autoridades oficiales que supuestamente ''protegen a la naturaleza'' aunque la mayor parte del tiempo sólo se queden de brazos cruzados y roben el dinero que iban a usar para comprar sólo Arceus sabe qué. Segundo, se destruyen muchos bosques para crear cosas cómo mesas o materiales de construcción sin preocuparse de las generaciones futuras y el aire que respirarán, dándole más importancia a la educación que a salvar nuestro planeta. Incluso he escuchado a algunos decir que todos los males que nos afectan...