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Showing posts from July, 2022

Wario Night funkin' GOLD- remake

  Greetings, creatures of the multiverse, its is me, JaguarGT back again to remake one of Gene's worst entries ever, correcting his horrible grammar, and expanding on it a little. (also week 7 has been added) The Tutorial For this week Doggy will be replacing Girlfriend,  and Lulu will be replacing the Boyfriend.  Not much to add to the story, just the fact that Doggy teaches us the game's singing system via barking instead of the words ''up'', ''down'', ''left'' and ''right'' WEEK 1- Daddy Dearest/Wario the gamest For this week, the opponent to fight against is now Wario, who also has a new voice sample apart from The Dad's (This will be the case for almost all the characters from now on, if otherwise it will be mentioned). Wario wants Lulu to stay away from his gaming contest, argumenting that she's ''too young'' to participate. The songs have been renmed to Get Ready Rotting? WARIO TIME!!...