Good morning everyone we're here to say goodbye to the Game and Wario Saga with a last entry about it not only in my blog but in the nintendo catalog, this celebration will be: a Friday Night Funkin' mod, or FNF mod for short. For this week Doggy or Perrito in Spain and Latin America will be replacing Girlfriend in this mod, and Lulú will be replacing Boyfriend. Not much to add to the story, just that Doggy teaches us the game's singing system by barking. Ah! One more thing, I'll be using the spanish names for some characters, as I don't know the English name for them, I won't bother telling you to correct me in the comments. I know more than well you don't comment anything on any of my entries, anyway let's move on. WEEK 1- Daddy Dearest/Wario the gamest In this week we'll see Wario rap battling against Lulú, not beacuse the reason Daddy Dearest does, but because he doesn't want her to participate in his gaming contest. The song has been renam...