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Showing posts from October, 2020

WarioWare GOLD: The second best game i've played

  HELLO! It's me again! and today I will give a  review on WarioWare GOLD the second-best game I've played, the first one being Scooby-Doo Where are You? for the Wii. (this one was the FIRST GAME I played.) Since the start, this game made me laugh, with Wario's funny personality and his screechy but a bit deep voice. The "Diamond City Gaming Contest" started, and I prepared my stylus for the first round of minigames, surprised I heard Wario say: -"You must pass three leagues if you want to confront me!, the Touch league,  the Mashin' League, and the Twist league!"- I hadn't watched any gameplay, not the videos themselves, but the quantity and duration time of them. That was why I was surprised to know that this WarioWare was using Buttons and the 3 DS' Gyroscope, as the last game of this series I played was WarioWare D.I.Y, in this game all the minigames were made, and played only with the  Nintendo DS touch screen. TOUCH LEAGUE!!!!! This le...

Siren Head's Villan Card.

  Hello! I'm Ian Gonzalez and this is an extension for the section "Epic Battles"  Cards are the way a Hero or Villan has their stats recorded (original idea by OK K.O Let's be heroes! show by Cartoon Network copyright 2018-2020) SIREN HEAD power level 125 Attacks: Slash Siren Head makes a forward slash with his claws. 250 damage Punch Siren Head punches the enemy. 50 damage Bite Siren Head Grabs the enemy and bites him/her. 500 Damage Special attacks: Loud Speaker: Siren Head's blares sounds through his sirens. 20 seconds stun. Sound Blast: Siren Head emits a sound through his sirens, it is so loud it counts as a special attack. 100 damage Final Move: THE GREAT MOTHER MEGAPHONE Siren Head summons his queen The Great Mother Megaphone, who attacks the enemy with an extra-loud sonic attack. 1-hit K.O 14 turn recharge. Defense: 200 Defensive Moves: Arm Shield Siren Head shields himself with his arms. resists up to 100 damage. Companion: Cartoon cat Best Friend: Trevo...

Black Hat vs Cartoon Cat ¿Quien ganaría?

  Hola, hoy compararé a dos personajes extremadamente fuertes, pero uno se lleva la inevitable victoria. Nota: Usaré mi propio sistema de calificacion, pero los calificaré justamente. 1.Black Hat (version Cartoon Network) Elemento: Sombras. Black hat es el lider de la organizacion Black Hat Para Villanos o BHPV. Él existe desde que se creó el universo, y a derrotado y asesinado a un aproximado de 156,897,586,591 heroes, varios de ellos siendo de nivel 800 o Héroes Legendarios, supuestamente, Black se supone es un destructor de mundos, pero no tenemos pruebas de esto oficialmente, de las que yo sepa. Ataque Físico: Sobrehumano alto Black hat a demostrado poder mover una casa con tan solo un empujón, y tambien pudo mandar a volar a 5.0.5 un Villano de nivel 40. Ataque especial: Estelar bajo Black hat a demostrado poder lanzar rayos laser de sus ojos, los cúales podrían hacer exactamente mente el mismo daño que un Rayo Atómico de Godzilla. Defensa Física: Planetaria Black Hat puede se...

Mi prpia historia pokemon parte 5

Asi es, una parte más de esta historia, ¡¡¡¡DISFRUTEN!!!!. Le ordenaste a tu Charizard usar Lanzallamas, pero sin embargo no tuvo ningun efecto. -!HA¡, has caido en mi trampa, Cuadragon NEO es invulnerable a los ataques de tipo fuego- Horus dijo triunfante,   Aunque fuese imposible, Cuadragon NEO era invulnerable a los ataques de tipo fuego, Cuadragon es tipo Dragon y Hada y estos tipos son débiles solamente a los tipos Veneno y Hielo. -¿Que? ¿Te preguntas porque tu ataque fue ineficaz? !Es por la habilidad de Cuadragon NEO:  Tormenta Solar! esta habilidad le permite a Cuadragon NEO absorber la energía de los ataques tipo fuego para subir su defensa y defensa especial- No tenía sentido seguir luchando con Charizard, asi que lo pusiste denuevo en su pokeball, y sacaste a Cauchotron, le ordenaste usar Lazo Estirado, este ataque le hizo daño casi nulo, Cuadragon rápidamente contraatacó usando un movimiento que nunca viste, antes de que pudieras decir algo tu pokedex te dio la inf...

A minecraft story, nothing creepy, allright?

  So, one day my cousin Kevin and I were mining on a cave, and all of sudden, a bunch of gravel blocks fell, revealing a DEEP cave. After making a safe bridge to the newly discovered cave, we found a lot of Redstone, gold, and coal. Finally, we decided that we would look for diamonds. We dug for a LOOOOOOOOONG while, until we reached a naturally flat area. and next to that we FOUND DIAMONDS, that's right, our effort got rewarded. We found 8 diamonds, sadly they were lost, because a zombie killed me, and in an anger attack, I deleted the world (and the game) from my PS4, without remembering, I still had 4 diamonds in a chest.