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Showing posts from March, 2020


(*static* and today at Michigan's #1 radio station the legend of the milkwalker, brought to by Mike our favorite reporter hope you like it, my friends!!!) Thanks for the introduction I will now start with the story. This is an urban legend that comes from our dear town Michigan, I know its name is not horrible after all he's just a walking milk carton right? NO, he's a monster and here it's part of his story. He just started as a milk carton mascot, his image came with some advice for the children. This did nothing but scare the children and soon Milkwalker was removed from the milk package. Soon after many people disappeared in the nearby forest exactly 2 kilometers away from the milk production and packaging center. Many weeks later an image appeared on the internet showing the milk carton mascot running around on the forest apparently chasing down whoever uploaded that image. Later on, the police discovered the image was uploaded by a Youtuber named "One ...


OBJECT CLASS: safe? special containment features: SCP-120 has to be cotained in a 45x45 meter sealed metal chamber filled with string for the creature to auto repair itself as the creature also damges his fragile fisical structure. Description: SCP-120 is a wandering puppet who doesn't needs a puppeter to move around, instead the creature uses an unknown method to move around by it's own. The material SCP-120 is made is speciffically silk from the   " Theraphosa blondi" wich is not characterizd for being strong but realy strechable that's why our best scientist say the puppet is cappable of moving it's arms and legs like a normal human being would do.The creature was found laying moveless on the floor of a theatre later on when SCP-120 was putted on a temporal containment chamber, but SCP-120 slipped through a small openning on the cell and caused a containment breach. The body of SCP-120 presents no physical features, no face, no fingernails or anything ...

El caballero y el mountruo -por ian gonzales-

Habia una vez un reino que era atormentado por una criatura horrible, cuando esta criatura llegaba al reino consumia con con un apetito voraz animales, cosechas e incluso a los habitantes. Unos decían que era un demonio, otros que era obra de una bruja, pero todos coincidían en algo: había que deshacerse de ese mounstruo cuanto antes ya que el pueblo casi no tenia guereros para luchar contra la bestia solo les quedaba esperar su lenta y dolorosa caída… hasta que un dia un misterioso caballero llego a pedir una oportunidad para vencer al mounstruo, diciendo que el era en efecto el mejor de todos los caballeros, llevando como pruebas: la cabeza de medusa, el palo de escoba roto de una bruja, y como mas sorprendente que suene, el cráneo  de un dragon. Al principio el rey no creyo que lo que el decía fuera cierto hasta se comprobó por las malas que la cabeza cortada era verdadera tras 2 sirvientes del catillo quedaran congelados como estatuas de piedra con expresiones de horror en su...

La historia de PEKKA el mejor jugador de minecraft

Hola a todos, sí esta historia está sin conclusíon desde el 2019 pero ahora la continuaré y en futuro  terminaré y compilaré Tras pasar varíos días preparandose para la batalla, nuestro héroe salío a la busqueda de sus zorros mascota (los que tengan memoria de elefante se acordarán que se los robaron). Pasaron varios días pero no había señales de ninguna clase de ladón de zorros... lo único que habia a la vista eran vacas, ovejas, un puesto de pillagers. ESPERA esos son puestos donde se esconden los mejores ladrones del mundo, PEKKA se acercó de la manera más sigilosa, entró al sitio y mató a todos esos aldeanos de negro corazón. Pero sin señal de sus zorros -¨talvez se los comieron¨- pensó PEKKA sorprendido que esos ladrones no le hayan robado a sus mascotas, pero la mayor sorpresa estaba por llegar. Sus zorros estaban de regreso!!! y trajeron consigo un cofre que tenía grabado en su tapa templo de los horrores,  vaya... quien lo diría nuestro héroe no tuvo que entrar a e...

SPC files

SCP files number 1: the bridge worm DESCRIPTION OF THE FENOMENON: As it name may describe it's a creature that resembles a worm, wich crafts bridges into hiding spots,  the only way to identify that th creature iss hiding under a bridge is: getting near and see closer, yes a very dangerous way to identify that this entity is hiding under a bridge. First sightning  it was first seen a 2015 april morning when a young man dissaperad. Later on the night the body wa found with strange marks on it. The marks were investigated and they resulted to be marks like the ones found when a worm digs onto the dirt. The security cameres were checked and the images revealed a BIG worm-like creature biting he man and running away. NOTE: an SCP file is made when a dangerous creature is documented but not caught