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Showing posts from January, 2020

scp-789 The man with the upside down face

Object class: safe special containment: this object can't be contained due to it's only appearence that can be docuented was in photo took in th year 18 99 wich pictured a car accident description: there is nothing that his name doesn't say, he's a man with his face upside down and less scary than should imagine, as we think he only appers during car crashes beacause many people reported seeing him during the mentioned events image not available .ERROR.34564554.SERVERREQUESTFAILED

Bonesworth the story of a catastrophe

This is bonesworth,a skeleton on his first appearence on a supermarket, everyone tought he was a haloween decoration.   Months later this picture was uploaded someone reported a wierd dummy   thing  to police and sent this photo attached to the report  as you can see it seems to be bonesworth who followed the employee to his home and waited him to go out sadly he did'nt until the next morning and then at daylight with everybody able to see him, he didn't acted instead waited and this was the last user's post u/jimmy56 r/what'sthis hi reddit do you know what kind of internet prank is this? i think it's the skeleton challenge  if you know tell me!! The person was found dead days later and the note "bonesworth caught up on you!!!", near the crime scene, i think this is bonesworth's "final form" and this is probably the last thing you'll see before you die if you don't share this artic...

the first story of 2020!!!

item: # SCP-4567 class: safe special containment: the object needs to be contained in a 5mm x 8mm steel box and the box needs to be kept under constant vigilance. In case the object is not found the members of class A security have to make a check to everyone to see if they have the object if one subject does ave it he/she will be arrested and taken to the class 1 cells. description: the object seems to be a normal CASIO watch with the words electro-shock on it, however the watch doesn't seem to have any electro-shock mecanism on it, but the subject who wears it, hears a constant beeping noise, if exposed for too long the person will experience headaches and finally will faint. The watch was found on a WATCH IT! store at asfggdb  when several people fainted and were taken to the hospital. After building the puzzle we found that everyone that have fainted had gone to: "try the watch"  walking around and the specific watch the have tried was, SCP-4567 image of th...