HELLO, before starting i will tell ya what is SUPER MARIO RUN it is a game were mario doesnt stops running, and HERE WE GO
I were looking for something to download why i were bored then i remembered my iphone 5 and my old game: Mario Run, I took my iphone, charged it, and iniciated the game at the start a mesege blinked on screen i read this: w-y did you l-t me al-on- all that t-m-. As you can see it doesnt make much sense so toched the screen to continue
and when all loaded i saw that all my kingdom where like destroyed or roten all were like it has pased a century, my yoshi was a skeleton, bowser"s helikoopa were on the floor and it also looked rusty. An old toad told me: "why....did....you....left.....us......alone" and then he just died, by natural causes. And then i understanded all, THE GAME WAS ALIVE AND IT AGED. The last time i played was 12 months ago i didnt think about it Mario ages faster than a normal humans and suddently the game closed itself and i decided to never open it again. BUt then a notification entered and said: ITS ME MARIO COME TO PLAY OR I WILL KILL YO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I were looking for something to download why i were bored then i remembered my iphone 5 and my old game: Mario Run, I took my iphone, charged it, and iniciated the game at the start a mesege blinked on screen i read this: w-y did you l-t me al-on- all that t-m-. As you can see it doesnt make much sense so toched the screen to continue
and when all loaded i saw that all my kingdom where like destroyed or roten all were like it has pased a century, my yoshi was a skeleton, bowser"s helikoopa were on the floor and it also looked rusty. An old toad told me: "why....did....you....left.....us......alone" and then he just died, by natural causes. And then i understanded all, THE GAME WAS ALIVE AND IT AGED. The last time i played was 12 months ago i didnt think about it Mario ages faster than a normal humans and suddently the game closed itself and i decided to never open it again. BUt then a notification entered and said: ITS ME MARIO COME TO PLAY OR I WILL KILL YO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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