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Showing posts from April, 2019

SCP-789 C.R.A.T.E.R

HELLO EVERY ONE I AM HERE i will tell this fast welcome again to scp  object class: killer DESCRIPTION: it is a mac book pro 2008 that looks normal a first sight but it has a special feature, is isn't 4k screen or a intel core i9 thing. It can generate EARTHQUAKES. how was it discovered: -We have reports of micro-earthquakes in especific zones in europe- told the notices that day we were on the action before anyone could me and the doctor (REDACTED) entered one of the locations and saw a computer the doctor said: ARE YOU KIDDIN' IT'S JUST A MAC COMPUTER. But then i saw there was no normal menu just a imput screen like this >_________    IMPUT LOCATION   i wrote my house and it said something like: THIS LOCATION IT'S NOT VALID and i rote mexico europe and booom a free earthquake for all, even some told: This is gonna be 456 favorite item. and we took the computer to site 19 and thats all for my log today.

creepypasta mario---run

HELLO, before starting  i will tell ya what is SUPER MARIO RUN  it is a game were mario doesnt stops running, and HERE WE GO I were looking for something to download why i were bored then i remembered my iphone 5 and my old game: Mario Run, I took my iphone, charged it, and iniciated the game at the start a mesege blinked on screen i read this:   w-y did you l-t me al-on- all that t-m-. As you can see it doesnt make much sense so toched the screen to continue and when all loaded i saw that all my kingdom where like destroyed or roten all were like it has pased a century, my yoshi was a skeleton, bowser"s helikoopa were on the floor and it also looked rusty. An old toad told me: "" and then he just died, by natural causes. And then i understanded all, THE GAME WAS ALIVE AND IT AGED. The last time i played was 12 months ago i didnt think about it Mario ages faster than a normal humans and suddently the game closed it...

The misterious house in sreet 21

HELLO its a me MARIO ok no its just me but see the good part i am not mario but i am back to tell ya a new story, so lets begin (said ian quickly turning on his brain) There was upon a time when some kids discovered a hose that were "empty". That is what they thinked until some misterious voices heard on the inside, when that happend they were curious about what really were inside so they prepared all: Some nerf guns, water,quaker cookies, and darts for the nerfs. First they broke a window, nothig happend, so they enteredd and sudently the window auto-repaired itself and the lights turned on and a kawaii ghost appeared. The kids laughed and said: "you are so cute", the ghost answered with a different topic she said: "you have to pass trought 100 different rooms and when you do so, you will win, what do you say?" they said "yes we agree" and then a door appeared they charged theri nerf guns and etered on the room. The firs 10 were the same, ...