Hello, it's me, BBJaguarGT, and today I will be telling you the fastest way to get all the megashark parts, the only reason this a console terraria tutorial is for the simple item duplication glitch (wich I use, considering the lack of journey mode) Step One: Golden coins Get 50 coins exactly, then, use the duplication glitch two times (put an item in chest, close the world, but before it fully finishes saving, close the game, your items should be in the chest and in your inventory), one of them only with 49 though, we don't want a platinum coin YET. Step Two: MiniShark and Ilegal Gun Parts With your enormous amount of money buy a minishark from the amrs dealer NPC (avalaible at any time), and Ilegal Gun Parts (avaliable ONLY at night), then we kill the destroyer (which is easy, guide for that soon) we need to kill him in order to get souls of might, essential for this crafting recipe. FINAL STEP: shark fins Go to your nereast ocean, set up a small house with valid walls an...