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Showing posts from April, 2020

SCP-987 White man

OBJECT CLASS: DANGEROUS ESPECIAL CONTAINMENT FEATURES:  The creature can't be contained as it is made out of pure fog.  This humanoid being is extremely hostile as it tries to attack everything within a 2 meters radius also can only calm the creature down by showing it a white flag, how convenient  the creature appeared during a daily check-up and, everything in our power was tried to stop it until without no option we had to call agent Echo who was wearing a WHITE  suit, the monster instantly calmed down and disappeared. Later the monster was registered as SCP-987 White man. Several investigations were made about how the creature can harm a human being as it is only made of fog. The only successful analysis that could be run determined that the creature uses pressurized air to make fog blades that cut like razors. FIRS INTELLIGENCE DEMONSTRATION (SCP-987 walks around the interview room) DR.Light: are..are you OK? SCP-987: don't see ...

CREEPYPASTA: The deep sea

I like diving into the sea it's like another world down there, but since I saw that monster I didn't come down there. It was a calm Saturday evening when I went diving with my friends to a zone where you could see lots of shipwrecks. My group and I got to the "Maria" shipwreck ad out of a sudden a big Bull shark came out of a cave and started pulling me down to the deep part of the ocean. The ship I was close to disappeared in a second and The shark stopped pulling me but the pressure was high enough that I couldn't go up by swimming. But I didn't worry that much because I had oxygen for 3 hours, and for my surprise y was at 105 meters deep not so far away from where I was before the shark pulled me. "Why didn't you worry about being 105 meters down on the ocean?" Well, because I saw a small cave and i knew most underwater  caves have an area where oxygen from the surface stores. So I swam to the cave and found the oxygen storage took a deep b...

SCP-876 M O U N T A I N

OBJECT CLASS: safe  SPECIAL CONTAINMENT FEATURES: the creature must be contained in a 53x53 meter titanium container which also needs to be reinforced with lead and copper.  This creature is unnecessarily big and also seems to resemble a giant piranha, With approximately 150 teeth. The creature seems to be made out of solid rock. Its organs are made of unknown material but they seem to be made out of another type of metal or rock. The creature was discovered roaming around on the east coast of new york city scaring a group of fishermen. Caos control team rapidly knocked out the creature and secured to a pair of helicopters. which effectively took the monster to the area 52 and it was registered as SCP-876 M O U N T A I N, note that the separate letters are for causing an impression effect on the reader. END OF DOCUMENT N.O 876

el sombrerin xd

Habia una vez una chica muy fea quien era odiada por todos los chicos, pero a pesar de eso ella querìa hacercarse a ellos pero no podìa porque era muy fea, su mama le decia que no era para tanto y que pronto encontrarìa un novia. Esa misma noche aparecìo el sombrerìn, Un tipo alto y musculoso con una gran carreta de oro, jalada por enormes caballos negros, y su guitarra sonaba impresionante mente bien, la chica se enamoro de èl, pasaon juntos todas las noches hasta que su mamà se dìo cuenta de eso y le dijo que l sombrerìn era malvado y que lo que querìa ear simple y sencillamente engañarla la dejarìa en la calle para irse con otra mujer y hacerle lo mismo a ella. Entoces la chica llego con el sombrerìn y le dijo que ya no lo querìa y el sombrerìn le pego y se fue llorando como niñita xdxdxd.

SCP-512 "the deadly instant soup"

Object Class: Euclid Special Containment features: These creatures must be contained in a 10cmx10cm box frozen and always kept in a freezer. Description: SCP-512 is a series of squid-looking creatures who tend to hide in daily life food containers, specifically instant soups. After a subject eats a soup that contains an SCP-512 it's now considered SCP-512-2, at this stage SCP-512-2 acts "normal" but when presented to a normal subject SCP-512-2 will attack without any mercy.  Test #1 SCP-512-2: (*indistinct growling*) Dr.Nathaniel: I don't think he is Michael anymore SCP-512-2:(containing itself) Of course I am!, how are today doc? Dr.Nathaniel: don't lie to me, also you forgot to say "you" in that sentence, without any offense. SCP-512-2:(putting his hands at the table) Hey! I'm just trying to be friendly! Dr.Nathaniel: I didn't insult you. SCP-512-2:(roaring) I TRIED TO BE CALM FOR ONCE BUT YOU DIDN'T APPRECIATED IT, NO...

SCP-1902 the clockwise monster

OBJECT CLASS: EUCLID SPECIAL CONTAINMENT FEATURES: the creature needs to be contained at the same clock tower it lives in. it will NEVER GO OUT of the tower just if the situation is worth it. The creature was found next to the dead corpse of SCP-120 "the wandering faith" after the moster fell to the flor, dead damaging his clock tower. After a long fight the creature was nocked down by SCP-988 "breaking news" our only friendly titan SCP. We discovered that the creature disguises as the clock part of the tower. That´s probably the reason of the most of the misterios disspearings of the staff who dedicated to clean up that tower.