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Showing posts from February, 2020

SCP-456 the impossible test

Object class: pscological threat special containment procedures:this object can{t be contained beacuse it appears randomly over any test that is done around the globe. It looks like a normal test but the language that it{s writen in, it{s impossible to descifrate, looking like gerogliphics of an alien society. Of course several test have been done around these misterious papers but sadly noe of them gave actul results, it even has been exposed to the SCP-420 "the most intelligent being" but not even him could descifrate what the paper said. It seems that the inscriptions are just doodles  but it's still a mistery how this fenomenon started, how ,  but most impotantly why? NOTE: this "test" appearently uses a human-made test template made by SANTILLANA.

7 things that are coming into minecraft 1.15 part one, plus a bonus.

Hello everybody! my name is Ian and today i'll talk about update 1.15 of minecraft. 1: FUNGI FORESTS this are the tiniest part of the update, so basically this are forests of mushrooms, like the one islands in the normal world. 2: LEVEL UP NETHER FORTRESSES the "nether core" is back and it will work to make nether fortresses auto-rebuild to make a great base in the nether, and the BEST PART IS: you can now fit water into the nether! (bad news, results that, it was just the leaked image of the regeneration anchor) 3:NETHERITE the new ore that, legend says it's better than diamond, actually this idea has been explored by: "better than diamonds mod" by MCmcenstein, one of the most famous mod creators. 4PIGMANS yup! no more zombies, we now have the actual alive version of the pigmen, they will trade you things for gold. Well this all the news for now, when i get more informtion i will tell it here (Bad news, there jus piglins, the actual pigme...

scp-1456 the orb of pure light

object class: safe special contanment procedures: The orb has to put in a 4x5m chamber and it cant be seen, beacuse it produces a masive light that harms any creature's eyes. Object desciption:  the object doesn't has a form, at least that has been seen, nobody remembers how the object was brought to the foundation's installation. But it has been proven that it's very powerl and it's currently used as a nuclear reactor

Creepypasta-something passes whistling trough the hallway in my builging every time at 3:00 A.M

This is now normal for me that creature, wich i had never seen, passes trough the right hallway just near my door whistling, it's not so bad when you get used to it, an hopefully, everyone also heras it, but i can't forget the first time i heard it i felt terrifed beacuse the only one who whistled at this building was the janitor but he was gone at that hour so THEN i couldn't be him, i was just freezed of the fear so i went outside and just saw a big pile of chains moving slowly. Some told me the story of that mysterious goul:  he was a janitor who obiusly whistled, and sometime whe got robbed in that EXACT SAME HALLWAY but he didn't wanted to give away the money so he got killed there, the thing is that the ghost doesn't wants revenge or anything it just wants to scare people, just for his own fun. But you can't see him not literally if you see him you'll die. If you leave a cigarrete at your door it will leve you in peace, what a realief.