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Showing posts from June, 2019

El niño del panteon parte 1

Erase una vez un niño llamado Mario, que vivia feliz con su familia. Él siempre tuvo la duda de qué se sentiría estar solo en un cementerio. Un dia en el que sus padres no estaban en casa dispuso salir, aunque solo estuvo deambulando por su casa. Salió a buscar a su perra, Canelita quien se escapo cuando abrió la puerta, que llebaba al jardin. Entonces vió cómo la perrita saliá por un agujero en la cerca del jardin -!ah, ah, ah¡.con que así es como sales sin ser descubierta.-, dijo Mario, mientras sacaba su móvil del bolsillo tras recibir una notificacíon que decía: Hola aventureros, la temporada solar de ilumina-menta acaba de comenzar,!NO TE LO PIERDAS¡.Mario rápidamente abrió la aplicación PLANTAS vs ZOMBIES  para jugar al "evento de planta premium de tiempo limitado".Jugó 3 o 4 fiestas de piñatas, abrió 670 paquetes de semillas, mejoró su ilumina-menta hasta el nivel 23, aburrido con esa menta,ya a nivel máximo, sin mundos que completar,  guardó su móvil en el bols...

scp- 1989 bombard-mint

Object class: euclid description:  It's a plant from the family Lamiaceae  but it has an actual face and inteligence of its own. When someone disturbs the peace on the zen garden  where it has to be into it causes sevaral explosions in a range of 5 to 4 meters the only way to keep it calm is playing a beethoven melody every time and when it's angry you have to take cover why there's no a known way to calm it. How was it discovered: We recived a call from a very famous english botanic garden, telling they saw a very strange plant and then the whole "mints" area exploded so we went and fastly secured area and when we entered to the indicated area we saw the SCP in front of us and we didn't lost a second and captured it, taking it with us and we took it to sector...@#$%^&*()_+!@#$%^&*()_+!@#$%^&*()_+!@#$%^&*()_++++++_)(*&^%$!@#$%^&*()_++++++++_)(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*()_+ 1234567890-1234567890-=`1234567890--~!@#$%^&*()~!@#$%...

la armada militar espectral

Una vez una pareja salio al bosque por una "tranqula caminata" por el bosque, y se encontraron a unos soldados en un campamento al fondode la escena se podia observar un tanque cubierto por una manta la chica le pregunto a uno de ellos: -?que hacen aqui?, segun se la base militar esta muy lejos de aqui-, silencio, ninguno de ellos respondio a la pregunta fue como si, estuvieran alli pero a la vez no. Confundidos fueron al pueblo ypreguntaron por el campamento y les dijeron que el unico campamento militar en esa sona fue destruido en enero de 1897 (era 2015) y que todos los soldados habian muerto en ese suceso. DUN DUN DUUUUUUN  

The spots

Hello everyone today is the turn for my cat, Spots for being th protagonist of his own story so now we will begin Once upon a time there was a little kitten named Spots, he was super cute and chubby but he had a problem he couldn't defend from enemy's attacks that's the reason of his next adventure:  One day spots decided to get out of his home like he does every day, but this time the Skeletal-cat came and ran after him, Spots were so scared that he didn't notice about he was going to fall off the roof he was running on luckily he jumped to the next and his rival just told him: -SEE YOU LATER, INSECT- Spots sighed and then he just realized that he was so far from his home that he even didn't knew where he was. Later he started analyzing the place he was and he were in his home roof! he makes a BIG circle around the neighborhood, and that's why kids you have to keep your vats safe, for them not to run away and NEVER RETURN.


Yesterday night i read about the legend of 9 statues of dwarfs who live in the forest of sounds in guatemala, north hipodrome They're sitting at the shadow of a tree waiting for something or someone.Rumors say that they move or even talk, one of the stories tells that 2 kids came crying to their mom telling that the dwarf talked to them. A girl who works there like a guard said that an organization came and told an organization told her that they were going to leave dwarfs there for a month, but they never came back for them. The dwarfs got a symbol on thei back like a sect's one, like that star for making rituals.Speaking of rituals a boy arrives there and makes them a ritual in his words: "to keep them away from the world of the living".Speaking of rituals a boy arrives there and makes them a ritual in his words: "to keep them away from the world of the living".

PLANTS VS ZOMBIES plant review:

It's a special plant, that coasts $4.99 they're called "cluster" why there is a type of bomb that is called cluster and this thing explodes like it. Now it's max stats are a ttack: 5,900 wait? what?! recharge time: 5 seconds One of the best things you can do with it is destroying leaks in "modern days" and keeping away piano zombie. The good part about it is that you can use reinforce mint and then peashooter and then another reinforce mint and fastly place it and BOOM you got the perfect combo to get out fast of that level in "big wave beach". Now the bad part is that it has a looooong recharge time until it gets to level 20 and it's time is 5 secs aaaand that's all the bad part yeah there's actually not so much bad things about this plant so BYE FRIENDS, SEE YA LATER!!!! next comig PLANTS VS ZOMBIES plant review: holly barrier