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Showing posts from May, 2019

Plants VS Zombies plan review: mortar apple

Do you know that thing? if your answer is no here it comes  It's a special plant it coasts $4.99 and it's very special first why it is called mortar? why it shots apples that act like mortars of course! it max stats are: attack: 450 defense: 234\ In my time playing with it i saw that it's even better than bonk choi (that guy that gives bunches of punches) at level 10 its even better than the grapes guy, (i don't know all names XD) and it's effective against the first boss and it's super ability it's the most cool thing in world. The greatest strategy you can make is making whole lines of defense with this plant and with two-headed sunflowers to make the perfect team  and if you can use cherry bombs in order to keep zombies away until you're ready uhh and in game it coasts 250 sun so its in some way cheap so wait for another blog with plant review SEE YA LATER!!!

scp-999 EL SLIME KAWAII :3

CLASE DEL OBJETO: seguro DESCRIPCIÓN:es un slime pequeño y adorable conocido como el mounstruo de LAS COSQUILLAS xdxdxdxdxd .Este scp no representa  peligro alguno a la humanidad y  tiene permitido vagar libremente por la instalación en caso lo desee,  por lo demás debe permanecer en su corral,es un simple corral para bebés  COMO FUE DESCUBIERTO: estuvo durante 3  años en un museo de arte en España como una estatua decorativa en el salón para los niños, hasta que uno de ellos lo tocó y comenzó a reír, y reír,y reír hasta que el SCP-999 se movió por si solo lejos del niño.El Agente. James  decidió capturarlo el solo,fue exitoso pues la criatura no opuso resistencia alguna.

CREEPYPASTA-WarioWare D.I.Y part 2

HELLO oh it's on small let me fix  now it's good so hello we're starting with second part It said FIGHT ME i thought it will be a normal micro but it were not first it were dark, and then A FREE JUMPSCARE FOR ALL ok,  OK i will stop with memes for today,uhm so the game had just jumpscared me and then the micro started, it were the punch out micro of earlier but this time i fought against a black shadowy character and it had 30 HEARTS OF LIFE oh god that's just impossible- i said, the thing attacked first i avoided the attack and hit it i died instantly, i were surprised about that but then something happend, on the code has something broken that broken level that the game crashed and this messege blinked op on screen: SEE YOU LATER, JONH The game knew my name? i waited 4 seconds until i trhew the game to trash and uhhh i didn't saw it again 

CREEPYPASTA-WarioWare D.I.Y part 1

do you remember that 2009 game? it was wonderfull in that game you can make your OWN levels but sometimes you find strange levels in online.... like japanese ones like the one for: find mario and it's an entire screen full of pipes  The level i found was named: ??? "that's troll" i thought, when i started the level the first instructions were: KILL, KILL, NOW that were not normal, i pressed A and i were a buttons using level it were about of KILLING ants  yeah ants i were more calmed now and it was very fun. Next were: fightttttt, i were surprised tu see normal letters instead of capitals like the other micro game's ones the game were about PUNCH OUT that N.E.S videogame it just took me 3 punches to defeat MR.Onionz (the rival in game) and i proceeded to next microgame it were: DON'T LET HIM ENTER  this one a giroscopic one oh and the last ones were buttons microgames so it were about wario had to close a door with giroscope and A button and a guy wanted ...

SCP-345 mal0 V2.3.4

HELLO EVERYONE I AM HERE TO TELL YOU ABOUT A NEW AND AWSOME GAME nah i am not that type of guy XD. object type: euclid description: it's a phone app, it looks normal but it isn't it summons a creature called: THE NINE TAILS FOX the fox has 2 versions one male and one female version. The male attacks  and the female just was seen 1 time and it wasn't in camera too much why it got scared and ran away how was it discovered: The first reports of dead people started 1n 2013 but we didn't knew who or what did it so we investigated all about the subjects and i thinked: what if i check their cellphones . A ny normal teenager on this times would have a type of log on their phones and what i found  an icon i oppend the application and it were some type of social media and i saw a conversation with a guy called: FOXgameplaysPRO and then that thing jumped out the darkness and tried to kill me but i resisted and hit it back i screamed the rest of the the team to capture i...