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Showing posts from March, 2019

CREEPYPASTA: The legend of zelda the skyward sword

HELLO here i am with a little presenation for a cool game: brawl stars a game of the style  shoot"em up its is really cool use de code M I K E  on the store for obtaining a FREE Primo and 40 power points for a Nita*. (unlock first) Here goes the creepy (   insert lavander town music theme   ) I needed something to play in my wii U i just had SUPER MARIO 3D WORLD and CONTRA 3D. On one store i saw the game of the lengend of zelda skyward sword, i buyed it. When i were on my house i iniciated the game all went perfectly good until the celestial race, i knew were the bird were but when i walked to the place the princess Zelda told me "your bird is dead, it doesnt had its wings when i found it" i were so scared that i didnt even saw it just think about it poor bird. The next thing were that the villan fell to inferior lands and we had to save him with the princess bla bla bla ...

the REAL haunted plane really dont saying lies its REAL

Well...... HERE I AM i had came to tell you my friends that this is a real story it means all that is here really happend. There has upon a time when the jumbo planes were safe and didnt exploded in the middle of the flight (reference to call of duty black ops 4), one of those plane were the M A L O W one of the most BIG and MONUMENTAL plane on the airports. On that plane were an assistant who liked too much to be on the plane so she REALLY liked it do yu understand?. That "ambition" were the cause of her dead, why one day the plane got a problem in the motor and she offered herself to see what has happening with it the radiations levels were that high that wen she entered to the motors room she died. days later the plane were retired from work and left to rest on an esplanade forever. Since that day the ghost of that assistant continues roaming on all the plane and no one really wants to enter there again.

scp-456 "the killer console"

 hello i am back i tell you this one could be your console so please dont use the game moah cradle. So lets start DATA: OBEJECT CLASS: safe  KILLER DONT USE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIT DESCRIPTION: It is a nintendo 2DS with the game " noah cradle " instaled, when a subject uses  it the game happens on the area were the subject is (the air space) and every damage to the in-game  air ship is equal to a organ desintegrate on subject body if the ship is destroyed subject is DEAD instantly. How was it discovered: The first time it was found near a normal video game store one of the infantile members of foundation saw some children were playing the game and one of them didnt got damage on the hardest mission so other wanted to play and he lost against the boss. He fall to floor and he died we came fastly and we contained the 456 in a steel reinforced room. at the first time we think it were safe but when the forences tell the dead subject had no organs we reclasi...

top 5 de los pokemon mas fuertes

HOLA A TODOS y bienvenidos a otro top 5 y se preguntan porque vino de pokemon, fue porque si :v 5, Beedrill Beedrill es un pokemon tipo bicho y acero, introducido en la 1ra generación es considerado junto con su megaevolución uno de los 5 pokemon más fuertes con sus 340 puntos totales en estadísticas de ataque. Lo único malo es que tiene debilidad x2 al tipo fuego. 4,Shelgon Es un pokemon tipos dragón y roca, introducido en la 4ta generación. Conocido por su alta defensa de 930 y sus ataques que en suma total hacen 400. No tiene debilidades. 3,Aggron Es un pokemon de tipo roca y acero, introducido en la 5ta generación, lo que más raro resulta de el es que no evoluciona por intercambio, ni por piedra, sino por AMISTAD  uffff....... me costó hasta escribirlo XD porque es raro esto en pokemon si lo que haces es ATACAR SIN PIEDAD al rival hasta que se debilita. Bueno su ataque es 560 y solo es débil al tipo agua. 2,Rayquaza No falta un legendario, sus tipos son drag...

critica super mariomaker parte 2

Hola aqui esta la segunda parte de mi critica a mario maker y si se preguntan porque no lo subi es por esto:  Lo que mas me gusta es que tiene una segunda parte que se ve muy genial, (no ha salido a la venta) bueno hablando del de WII  U o el de nintento 3 DS  quiero decir que su mejor caracteristica es que puedes importar niveles del de  3 DS al de WII y aqui un poco de historia Originalmente se queria hacer un juego para el DS que se trataba de modificar el terreno mientras jugabas, esto era imposible ya que la DS apenas soportaba MARIO KART y ANIMAL CROSSING ya que la DS deberia de reducir los poligonos de todo. De aqui salio el challenge mode de super mario 3D world y final mente tenemos el modo prototipo en SUPER MARIO BROS U y SUPER MARIO BROS   LUIGI  U llamado official mente: BUILD MODE y despues de casi 10 años Mario maker vio la luz

scp-002 "The living room"

HELLO today i am presentig one of the most secret docments in the S C P fundation so lets se..... mhhhhh i see here is the page     https// SCP*info*page*fundation .com DATA OBJECT  CLASS:  EUCLID This class of object doesnt represent any BIG danger to people just like the scp-679 "the eye". Description: It is NOT a livinroom for " sala de estar " in spanish is is a room that is ALIVE it breath, eat, and it can digest and you guess it digest YOU and when that happens the 456 the "demon screen" shows the messege: help.  how was it discovered 8/ 5 /18 U. S. A      When we were opening the area destroyed by the 173 we found a room that was made of meat and soft tissues so we didnt care and block it naming it the room to get vitamin D, we didnt know what that will cause. We told 4 scientists to go inside and see what was inside it apart of vitamin D and when they entered  and on the cameras heard a voice that said:...


A long time  ago there was a city where the people cant go outside at night, why? WELL... there was no known reason for that, until one night a visitor stayed outside, until 12:00 P.M he was looking at his phone so he didnt notice about the tall man that apeared behind him, the man follow him to the bank it was obiously closed at that hours,so he finally stoped looking at his phone why what will he do wait until bank open? XD. And on that moment a skeletic hand reached out his shoulders he screamed of terror and ran away, since that day the villagers of that city never get out in the night why the SLENDER MAN WAITS