HELLO here i am with a little presenation for a cool game: brawl stars a game of the style shoot"em up its is really cool use de code M I K E on the store for obtaining a FREE Primo and 40 power points for a Nita*. (unlock first) https://www.memuplay.com/es/how-to-play-com.supercell.brawlstars-on-pc.html Here goes the creepy ( insert lavander town music theme ) I needed something to play in my wii U i just had SUPER MARIO 3D WORLD and CONTRA 3D. On one store i saw the game of the lengend of zelda skyward sword, i buyed it. When i were on my house i iniciated the game all went perfectly good until the celestial race, i knew were the bird were but when i walked to the place the princess Zelda told me "your bird is dead, it doesnt had its wings when i found it" i were so scared that i didnt even saw it just think about it poor bird. The next thing were that the villan fell to inferior lands and we had to save him with the princess bla bla bla ...